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Der Goldene Handschuh (2019)

Crime | 115 minutes
3,70 409 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 115 minuten

Alternative title: The Golden Glove

Country: Germany / France

Directed by: Fatih Akin

Stars: Jonas Dassler, Marc Hosemann and Philipp Baltus

IMDb score: 6,7 (18.942)

Releasedate: 21 February 2019


Der Goldene Handschuh plot

Hamburg, the 1970s. The serial killer Fritz Honka instills fear in the inhabitants of the metropolis. He kills four prostitutes whose bodies he leaves behind in a mutilated state. Based on a true story.

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  • 12053 messages
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Beautiful film about an eccentric man who lures older women to his home and kills them there. The desolate environment in which this film takes place is strongly portrayed (the visitors to the bar are on the verge of caricatures). A captivating main character who is penetratingly portrayed here by Jonas Dassler. A few pretty brutal scenes where the violence is portrayed uncompromisingly and in all ugliness.

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  • 9224 messages
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We are not used to these kinds of films from Fatih Akin. When you consider that he gave us butterflies in the stomach with his super romantic movie "Im Juli" then he is on the other side of the spectrum here. His film about the filthy, flabby drunkard and serial killer Honka sketches a marginal environment that arose after the collapse of the Dritt Reich, when unemployment, boredom and aimlessness left a part of the population in a comatose state. A rancid environment full of shadowy alcohol-addicted wrecks. Honka is not even the stereotypical evil killer but a man who kills uncontrollably out of sexual frustration, powerlessness and weakness. Akin's film is terribly voyeuristic and lets us "enjoy" extensively in this madness. It's definitely a shocker of a movie, especially that last brutal murder made me feel uneasy. I was more likely to think of a movie like "Ex-Drummer", also such a dirty bunch. Still, a bit of humor rears its head: that ex-officer who is going to piss on that young guy and how one of the ladies teaches Honka a lesson with mustard .

Anyway, I was very impressed with the physical transformation of young actor Jonas Dassler into a man twenty years older. This was more than successful and the actor puts in an unforgettable performance following Charlize Theron in Monster. Goldene Handschuh is a small masterpiece in bad taste.

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