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Pusher II (2004)

Drama | 100 minutes
3,64 375 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative titles: Pusher 2 / With Blood on My Hands: Pusher II

Country: Denmark / United Kingdom

Directed by: Nicolas Winding Refn

Stars: Mads Mikkelsen, Zlatko Burić and Leif Sylvester

IMDb score: 7,3 (26.076)

Releasedate: 25 December 2004

Pusher II plot

"With blood on my hands."

Tonny is released from prison after thirteen months and has to get his life back on track. He visits his father Smeden - nicknamed The Baron - one of Copenhagen's biggest gangsters, who among other things heals expensive, stolen cars. More than anything in the world, he wants his father's respect. But the harder he tries, the less he seems to succeed. Moreover, it turns out that he has also become a father. Tonny heads for an inevitable confrontation with his surroundings...

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Roger Thornhill

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After the very bleak first part of this trilogy, Pusher 2 is a relief: the world in which the story takes place is still criminal, but now both physically, psychologically and socially, the narrative style gives me as a viewer a little more breath, and above all Mads Mikkelsen has evolved from psychopath in a (charismatic) supporting role to a still rather incalculable but now also vulnerable protagonist with whom I can empathize and who at unexpected moments has an equally unexpected but certainly not incomprehensible or script-forced shows a sense of humanity. What an actor – he is surely one of the best on the silver screen.

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This film is set in the same world as the first part, but Refn now focuses on the character Tonny and the psyche behind a lonely man who tries in vain to prove himself to his father. After long begging, he is allowed to help with some jobs as the fifth wheel - there is not enough space in the getaway car so Tonny has to take the bus home. He clumsily steals a Ferrari to give to his father as a sacrifice, just as a house cat catches a bird for its owner. The gesture is not well received. Slowly Tonny realizes that he must take an action to make something of his life. He is the father of an unwanted child with a woman who is on coke and is drawn into a downward spiral of crime by an acquaintance nicknamed 'Kurt de Kut' (actor Kurt Nielsen). Tonny is an impotent porn addict - we see this in a painfully awkward sex scene - who was born on the path of destruction and may end there. All this culminates in a radical, violent climax. The question is whether Tonny can escape. The great thing about the film is that Refn turns the at first sight (and in the first film) absolutely seriously disturbed Tonny into a real person. Mikkelsen is phenomenal here.

Read more at Cinema Interruptus

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Pusher 2 with Mads Mikkelsen as protagonist makes up for a lot where in my opinion part 1 left it a bit. Very good sequel to this trilogy.

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