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Aladdin (2019)

Adventure | 128 minutes
3,22 952 votes

Genre: Adventure / Family

Duration: 128 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Guy Ritchie

Stars: Mena Massoud, Will Smith and Naomi Scott

IMDb score: 6,9 (299.731)

Releasedate: 22 May 2019

Aladdin plot

"Choose Wisely."

Aladdin is a street thug who steals to survive and is in love with a princess, the Sultan's daughter. He then finds a magic lamp, from which appears a genie capable of granting wishes. With the help of this Spirit, Aladdin then tries to win the heart of the princess.

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  • 2107 messages
  • 1620 votes

Guy Ritchie does it again... because what a lousy remake this has turned out to be. It's been my childhood since I've seen Aladdin but how childish do you want to make it. This has become a live-action parody rather than a remake. The songs don't come through at all. The vocal power of the actors could really be better. Will Smith has also become a shadow of himself and is downright annoying. His humor is almost never successful.

Still, I have to say that I found the first 20 minutes not too bad, but once Will Smith appears on the scene it is simply not to be seen anymore. The effects and decors look very fake and kitschy and we get the typical hustle and bustle of Ritchie that really doesn't help anyone.

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  • 700 messages
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Ehhh just don't do it anymore Disney!!! Some live action remakes do work, such as Dumbo. But this already goes wrong on the fact that a fifty-year-old Will Smith can never put down the same energy as the 'original' animated genius and that he could have given much more energy in that role in his younger years. What you secretly hope for. No Unfortunately.

ps jasmine animated or real life gorgeous woman

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