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Europe from Above - Season 1 (2019)

3,50 4 votes

Show title: Europe from Above

IMDb score: 8,1 (719)

Episodes: 6

Playing time: 4 hour and 30 minutes

Developed by: Carlo Massarella, Hamish Mykura and Matt Taylor

Stars: Julian Barratt (voice)

Origin: United Kingdom

Releasedate: Sunday 10 November 2019

First aired on: National Geographic (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Europe from Above plot

Europe from Above takes to the skies over Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK to showcase Europe's finest cultural and geographical landmarks as you've never seen them before. Stunning aerial hyper-lapse photography visualizes the changes of a season in seconds as tulip fields in the Netherlands magically burst into color and waterfalls in the Dolomites turn to ice. A vivid portrait of these regions and the people who keep their traditions alive.

Episodes Season 1 (2019)

  1. 1. The Netherlands

    10 November 2019 (45 minutes)

  2. 2. Italy

    17 November 2019 (45 minutes)

  3. 3. Germany

    24 November 2019 (45 minutes)

  4. 4. United Kingdom

    1 December 2019 (45 minutes)

  5. 5. Spain

    8 December 2019 (45 minutes)

  6. 6. Poland

    15 December 2019 (45 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Self - Narrator (voice)

Reviews & comments

avatar van brawljeff


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"With our unique aerial view we are able to show..." It started to annoy me a bit that the narrator was pretending they were making the first documentary series with drone footage. Although I have to admit that I have seen some beautiful images and have seen a very diverse Europe in six episodes. The subjects were not always interesting.

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avatar van james_cameron


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Fun, entertaining and informative six-part documentary series from National Geographic, with a different European country featured in each episode. And the first episode is actually about the Netherlands. Even though Amsterdam is mentioned twice as the capital of our country, it is still nicely done, just like the five other episodes, with the emphasis not on nature but on technology and urbanization. Nice for a change. It's all beautifully depicted, mainly via drones, and the voiceover isn't too annoying either.

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