State: Ended
Genre: Drama
United States
Developed by: Jesse Armstrong
Stars: Brian Cox, Kieran Culkin and Jeremy Strong
IMDb score: 8,8 (287.434)
Releasedate: Sunday 3 June 2018
Succession plot
The Roy family, made up of Logan and his four children, owns the largest media and entertainment company in the world. When Logan turns 80 and is expected to retire, he announces that he will continue as CEO of Waystar Royco. This causes a lot of unrest within the family and not everyone believes that Logan has pure motives. It remains to be seen how the family will deal with this, what consequences this will have for the future of the company and what this will do to the mutual relationships of the Roy family.
Social Media
3,93 (190)
Succession - Season 1 (2018)
4,14 (164)
Succession - Season 2 (2019)
4,03 (149)
Succession - Season 3 (2021)
4,12 (114)
Succession - Season 4 (2023)
Actors and actresses
Logan Roy
Marcia Roy
Kendall Roy
Roman Roy
Siobhan 'Shiv' Roy
Greg Hirsch
Tom Wambsgans
Connor Roy
Rava Roy
Videos and trailers
All MediaOpinions about Succession
The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.
- 412 votes
Meesterlijk drama rond pater familias Logan Roy (Brian Cox). Cox geeft zijn hoofdpersonage enorm veel gravitas mee. Deze Trumpiaanse en Aileaanse magnaat zwaait de scepter over een Amerikaans mediabedrijf. Bijna alle personages zijn ambitieus, disfunctioneel en onsympathiek. En toch, of juist daarom weet de serie mateloos te boeien. Scherp, grof, vilein en grappig worden het mediabedrijf en de drie zonen en de dochter van Roy geportretteerd.
Het tempo ligt hoog (versterkt door de sprongetjes in tijd tussen de afleveringen) en het scenario is spitsvondig. Niet eerder zag ik een serie met zo veel vuurwerk in de dialogen; snel, humorvol, provocatief en dirty. Succession is in meerdere opzichten vergelijkbaar met The Loudest Voice, ook al zo'n fijne serie om te kijken. Een echte binger.
Masterful drama about paterfamilias Logan Roy (Brian Cox). Cox gives his main character a lot of gravitas. This Trumpian and Ailean tycoon rules an American media company. Almost all the characters are ambitious, dysfunctional and unsympathetic. And yet, or precisely because of that, the series knows how to captivate. Sharp, rude, villainous and funny, the media company and Roy's three sons and daughter are portrayed.
The pace is fast (enhanced by the jumps in time between episodes) and the screenplay is quirky. Never before have I seen a series with so many fireworks in the dialogues; fast, humorous, provocative and dirty. Succession is similar to The Loudest Voice in several ways, also a great series to watch. A real binger.
- 136 votes
"Chic Krapuul" had ook een goede titel voor de reeks geweest.
Lof nochtans voor het script en voor de acteurs om zoveel arrogantie voor het voetlicht te kunnen brengen.
Nochtans zijn het belangrijke mensen met een stuk van de wereld in hun macht, maar met een ongeziene respectloosheid. Familiewaarden zijn voor hun onbestaande en worden in de hoek geduwd door hun egoïsme en hun naijver en een niet te breken zucht naar geld en macht.
De eerste aflevering is veelbelovend maar nadien volgen een aantal episodes die sterk op elkaar gelijken en in feite niet anders zijn dan de bevestiging van de sfeer in de familie Roy en de streken van ieder lid, zoals hiervoor beschreven.
Het is pas in de laatste afleveringen dat er meer dynamiek optreedt en die je naar meer doet verlangen, wat voorheen niet het geval was.
'K Ga me nochtans vooreerst niet aan een tweede seizoen wagen.
Om het met hen geliefkoosde term te zeggen: fuck off.
"Chic Krapuul" would also have been a good title for the series.
But praise for the script and for the actors for being able to bring so much arrogance to the fore.
Yet they are important people with a piece of the world in their power, but with an unseen disrespect. Family values are non-existent for them and are pushed into the corner by their selfishness and jealousy and an unbreakable lust for money and power.
The first episode is promising, but afterwards a number of episodes follow that are very similar and in fact no different than the confirmation of the atmosphere in the Roy family and the pranks of each member, as described above.
It's only in the last episodes that more dynamics appear and that makes you long for more, which was not the case before.
I'm not going to risk a second season though.
To say their favorite term: fuck off.
- 114 votes
I really enjoyed Dynasty squared. Now season 4 is on and I have watched the first 4 episodes. Unfortunately, the series can be compared to a piece of chewing gum that is stretched. The Roys don't get much more words out of it than questioning every opinion they have with a lot of hmm, breaking sentences and looking away. Of course still sun-drenched by f * ck (ing), s * ck, c * nt filled sentences.
The slime balls and freeloaders in the series are doing their job. Unfortunately, there never comes a time when these figures are put aside. They probably already act as errand boys.
It takes too long. The pace that characterized the series is gone. Endless bullshit.
Hopefully the next episodes will be better.
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