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Sin Límites (2022)

3,29 7 votes

Alternative title: Boundless

IMDb score: 6,8 (2.325)

Episodes: 6

Playing time: 4 hour and 14 minutes

Developed by: Miguel Menéndez de Zubillaga

Stars: Álvaro Morte, Rodrigo Santoro and Niccolò Senni

Origin: Spain

Releasedate: Friday 17 June 2022

First aired on: Amazon Prime Video (Nederland)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


Sin Límites plot

In August 1519, under the leadership of the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan, 239 sailors left Seville for the Indies. Three years later, only 18 starving and sick sailors returned in the only ship that resisted the journey, led by Spanish sailor Juan Sebastián Elcano. They had taken a world tour; an almost impossible mission that sought a new route to the "spice islands" and that ultimately changed the history of mankind by proving that the earth is round. An achievement that forever changed commerce, economics, astronomy and knowledge of the planet and is considered one of the greatest achievements in history.

Episodes Season 1 (2022)

  1. 1. Mi Rey No Ha Querido Verme

    10 June 2022 (50 minutes)

  2. 2. Te Buscan por Traición

    10 June 2022 (38 minutes)

  3. 3. La Rebelión Está Castigada con la Muerte

    17 June 2022 (40 minutes)

  4. 4. Las Ballenas No Nadan en Ríos

    17 June 2022 (41 minutes)

  5. 5. Os Han Elegido como Capitán

    17 June 2022 (42 minutes)

  6. 6. Son Vientos del Este

    17 June 2022 (43 minutes)

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