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The Harvest (1992)

Thriller | 97 minutes
3,80 5 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: David Marconi

Stars: Miguel Ferrer, Leilani Sarelle and Henry Silva

IMDb score: 5,4 (763)

Releasedate: 5 November 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Harvest plot

"They stole one of his kidneys. Now they've come for the other one."

Scriptwriter Charlie Pope (Miguel Ferrer) is sent to Mexico. There a movie is being shot and he has to finish the script. In the meantime, he also enjoys the beautiful weather and the beach. However, when he is drugged and then missing a kidney, he teams up with the mysterious Natalie Caldwell (Leilane Sarelle) to hunt down the culprits.

Full Cast & Crew

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Charlie Pope

Natalie Caldwell

Detective Topo

Noel Guzmann

Steve Mobley

Lip Syncing Transvestite

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