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The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009)

Thriller | 100 minutes
3,28 1.031 votes

Genre: Thriller / Crime

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: J Blakeson

Stars: Gemma Arterton, Eddie Marsan and Martin Compston

IMDb score: 6,7 (27.919)

Releasedate: 12 September 2009

The Disappearance of Alice Creed plot

"Where is Alice Creed?"

We see how two men renovate a flat, steal a van and collect tools. Calmly they continue their practices, but it soon becomes apparent that they have a sinister plan. Armed and disguised, they kidnap a young woman from the street and tie her to a bed in the flat...

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  • 9341 messages
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“Wake up Ms. Creed, it's breakfast time!”

Tasty raw British crime film in which three characters try to outsmart each other all the time. The kidnapped woman tries to play the two kidnappers off against each other, and the two kidnappers come under increasing pressure. And each character seems to have a hidden secret or connection to another.

All this is topped with enough tension and a wonderfully chilly and clinical atmosphere. Arterton, Marsan and Compston's acting is also rock solid, and it's refreshing that even Arterton (who gets kidnapped) isn't always sympathetic. Towards the end, Alice Creed loses some credibility, but by then you're already completely into the story.

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Ok Crime thriller.

Actually only set up because of Gemma Artenton. Still a very handsome face and a nice face to see. I had seen the Dutch remake, Bloedlink , before this, so I already knew exactly how the story would go.

Artenton, Marsan and Compston all act adequately. The grim atmosphere in the film is well executed. Only the speed was the sore point, because sometimes it all just drags a bit. The fun of the twists was a bit off for me.

In general, the film manages to captivate, but I have to admit that I didn't think this was anything special. I would have liked to see it all a little more exciting, which this movie wasn't really.

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A very good crime thriller. Approach and approach is fascinating; little intro and story around it, but to the point. Actually, I didn't really realize that it was just 3 actors in 1 room; that's a compliment to the effect. Nice chilly atmosphere. Acting by the lady is fine, by the gentlemen a little less, but sufficient. Sure there are some plot holes in it (the most disturbing of which is Danny being shot by Vic, he keeps him in constant view, yet disappears), but the film has enough credit to take those to heart. Some nice twists, although I would have preferred the ending differently (that she can still free herself would not have been necessary for me). (7.5)

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