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Assassination Nation (2018)

Thriller | 108 minutes
3,04 168 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Sam Levinson

Stars: Odessa Young, Hari Nef and Abra

IMDb score: 6,0 (22.557)

Releasedate: 21 September 2018

Assassination Nation plot

"You asked for it, America."

'Assassination Nation' follows four teenage girls from a suburb. Unsolicited, the girls become the center of attention by the media. All their personal information has been published due to their accounts being hacked by an anonymous figure.

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Phew, what a simplistic and grotesque spectacle, but at the same time I really enjoyed the audiovisual aspect and the black humor. Too bad about the lame meta-commentary (a plague in current cinema anyway) and all kinds of obvious exaggerations with characters and messages that mainly irritate. In the meantime, however, the positive aspects linger more and I want to see the film again as soon as possible. Especially a long take around Em's parental home is stunning. And besides ABRA (who acts and is also on the soundtrack and because of whom the film was on my list) Tommy Genesis (<3), Charli XCX and ANOHNI (formerly Antony) are also on the soundtrack in collaboration with AG Cook (PC Music) and Daniel Lopatin (OPN). The film also shows websites like 4chan and reddit in addition to all social media and text messages. And it may be me, but of the four protagonists - apart from Lily/Odessa Young, who is clearly too old for high school - Sarah (Suki Waterhouse) is seriously underexposed and I hardly noticed her.

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Mainly because the soundtrack and the image fit together nicely, I believe. The beginning is sometimes a bit messy, a bit too visually tricked without it really seeming to add anything - the 70's tripartite division didn't sit well with me, for example. Nor that there is sometimes a lot of explaining to be done - always a sign of weakness, such a voice-over, if you can't tell it in images you may have simply chosen the wrong medium. But there is enough to counter that, especially when it all moves a bit more towards action. Nice and clumsy, not too difficult and just nicely over the top. Not to laugh at, but still.

Too bad about the overly didactic finger at the end, that really shouldn't have happened - anyone who is receptive to such a message would have thought of it themselves, and telling it only weakens it. And if you want to lecture, then say something like that the last public lynching in the US wasn't that long ago. People who went there in their Sunday best, to have their picture taken with the children with the still half-alive innocent victim in the background. Astonishing.

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Semi-edgy socio-critical neon-laden teen angst film meets Purge. Glossy girl power full of drugs, sex and bloody violence. Something that people will quickly want to label as 'forced hip'. They are not wrong, but fortunately it does have a raw edge; that may be the advantage of a male director working with this concept.

It's a shitload of ideas that, in both style and content, could perhaps be a bit more refined in the execution (it's not The Neon Demon ) and lacks some subtlety in its message, but it's precisely that tongue-in-cheek over-the-top mess that makes it surprisingly effective entertainment. It's refreshing to cast heavy themes that are already being rammed down your throat a bit too much these days - such as transgenderism, homophobia... - in such a playful form. Those who concentrate on the message itself may still be bothered by it, but in the grand scheme of things it only adds to the growing madness. Nice 'trigger warning' at the beginning too, sets the tone nicely. A few scenes clearly stand out, McSavah already named the coolest, but overall it is a film that visually asserts itself. Far above expectations in that regard.

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