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El Hoyo (2019)

Scifi | 94 minutes
3,19 886 votes

Genre: Scifi / Thriller

Duration: 94 minuten

Alternative title: The Platform

Country: Spain

Directed by: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia

Stars: Antonia San Juan, Iván Massagué and Zorion Eguileor

IMDb score: 7,0 (295.176)

Releasedate: 8 November 2019


El Hoyo plot

In a dystopian future, prisoners are housed in vertically arranged cells. The residents at the top are served delicious food, while the prisoners below them have to make do with the leftovers and fight daily for survival. Who is assigned which cell is decided completely randomly.

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  • 540 messages
  • 1379 votes

This movie has so much in it! It is true that the symbolism is clear, but also very detailed.

Because: Everyone is asked, at the end of the interview, what his or her favorite food is! An apparently unimportant detail. but in principle there is enough for everyone on the table. So you don't have to be hungry at all. Just like in real life.

Each character represents a specific human type. Goreng wants to bring the revolution. The old man is the opportunist who constantly tries to justify his actions in order not to consider himself an inhumane. The woman is the primordial man who, in the midst of all this, is like a cat in a corner. I also liked the comparison with Jesus, only Goreng is not Jesus. He's more like Stalin. Ok he takes the good word from that woman (who stands for governments, well-meaning systems that fail) but without using violence and killing he won't get there. Terrible sacrifices must be made. And for what??

Nobody knows, because nobody has a clue how the whole system really works. How bad it really is for the children in Bangladesh who make your shoes. This movie is a big 4.5. I could write a whole book about this movie. You can be disturbed by certain elements, but then you do not oversee the whole sufficiently. And you just have to watch this movie again until you see what a masterpiece this is. 4.5 star.

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  • 8580 messages
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An interesting concept and one in which social criticism almost writes itself. Director Gaztelu-Urrutia is therefore not particularly subtle with the material, but fortunately is not so in the performance; El Hoyo is here and there nice and rude and explicit. We see a lot of selfish people driving each other crazy and eating themselves completely at any cost. In that respect, El Hoyo is a great Christmas movie. The film's biggest flaw is the last fifteen minutes, where the somewhat straightforward narration is exchanged for some more vagueness and artful stuff. The simple tone suited the film a lot better.

3.5 stars.

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