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Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)

Scifi | 95 minutes
2,68 335 votes

Genre: Scifi

Duration: 95 minuten

Alternative title: Terugkeer naar de Apenplaneet

Country: United States

Directed by: Ted Post

Stars: James Franciscus, Kim Hunter and Maurice Evans

IMDb score: 6,0 (54.458)

Releasedate: 23 April 1970

Beneath the Planet of the Apes plot

"The bizarre world of "Planet of the Apes" was only the beginning..."

The astronaut Brent travels after his missing colleagues and makes a time jump in space to the year 3955. He lands on an earth destroyed by an atomic disaster, where terrible chimpanzees rule. Second part of the Planet of the Apes series.

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  • 814 messages
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This 2nd part of The Planet of the Apes cycle detonates quite a bit with the 3rd and the famous

1st part. She picks up the thread of part 1, only to become more and more nonsensical along the way. The

underground scenery beautiful, and you are also taken through the film again, but

falters in craziness and easygoing action at the end. Is part 3 again


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avatar van John Barry

John Barry

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Very strong sequel to part 1. I certainly didn't think the first half of the film was bad, but it still feels like a lesser version than part 1. I think the second half of the film is much stronger.

The turning point comes as soon as Brent discovers the old subway station in the ground. I thought that old metro station was a very nice decor. The other sets under the ground are also nicely made. It is a pity that the sets seem a bit low budget. In other words, it would have looked even nicer if a little more money had been spent on it.

I really like the scene in the subway station where Brent discovers he is on Earth. Under the ground, the film actually becomes immensely absurd. Mutants who worship a nuclear bomb like a god, how do you make it up! I see here that some didn't like the scenes underground, I myself thought the scenes were very strong. Highlights were the scene where Brent was questioned by the mutants and the scene where the mutants sang songs in honor of the atomic bomb.

What was unfortunate is the fight between Brent and Taylor. I thought this looked fake and wooden.

As for the absurd, the ending where the entire planet earth is destroyed destroys everything. Still, I thought this was a strong ending which certainly made an impression.

I thought the acting of the entire cast was pretty good. The music this time comes from Leonard Rosenman. I don't think Rosenman's music is bad per se, but I liked Goldsmith's music in the previous film a lot better. Still, Rosenman's music fits the film quite well.

All in all, a good movie. It certainly doesn't make it to part 1, but this is a very good follow-up film.


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avatar van Perry Meer

Perry Meer

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Add a handful of monkey nuts and let it happen. Nice to see out of nostalgia.

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