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The Trouble with Harry (1955)

Mystery | 99 minutes
3,09 432 votes

Genre: Mystery / Comedy

Duration: 99 minuten

Alternative titles: Herrie om Harry / Maar Wie Heeft Harry gedood?

Country: United States

Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock

Stars: John Forsythe, Edmund Gwenn and Shirley MacLaine

IMDb score: 7,0 (42.402)

Releasedate: 3 October 1955

The Trouble with Harry plot


What's wrong with Harry? Mainly that he is dead, which no one is really sorry about, but several people feel responsible for his death. After much fiddling with the corpse and infatuation between the protagonists, the true facts come to light and Harry's corpse can no longer cause any problems for anyone.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Capt. Albert Wiles

Sam Marlowe

Jennifer Rogers

Miss Ivy Gravely

Arnie Rogers

Deputy Sheriff Calvin Wiggs

Dr. Greenbow

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avatar van Don Homer

Don Homer

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Messing with Harry.

Very weird Hitchcock. Still a special comedy about the mystery of who killed Harry and a lot of fiddling around it.

I saw the film in Blue Ray which makes it even more special. Such an old movie that looks so polished and colorful. The images contain many great vistas. The movie starts off a bit dull and drags along very slowly with a weird joke here and there, sometimes more funny on a meta level, funny because it's such a weird joke. It all gets a little more interesting later on.

I did enjoy the Maestro again, who after his 15th film still remains unsatisfactory for me. 3*.

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avatar van Leland Palmer

Leland Palmer

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hitch! It's turn again. Dry this. Funny to see no one gives a shit about a corpse just lying in the hills. The characters don't get cold or warm. It's like they are discussing how to fix a leak throughout the movie. Well, Harry is dead anyway.

What immediately catches the eye are the overwhelming autumn colours. The film looks fantastic on Blu-ray. Beautiful advertisement for the state of Vermont, where Hitchcock filmed in a few locations. The developments between the falling autumn leaves vary from funny to totally idiotic and the somewhat ''dark'' undertone that we know from Hitchcock's humor is nicely present. Nice video for the afternoon.

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avatar van harm1985


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A somewhat absurd film that only really gets going half way through. The hitherto unknown cast is very refreshing. The image quality of the restoration is excellent.

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