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Le Violon Rouge (1998)

Mystery | 131 minutes
3,27 196 votes

Genre: Mystery / Music

Duration: 131 minuten

Alternative title: The Red Violin

Country: Canada / Italy / United Kingdom

Directed by: François Girard

Stars: Carlo Cecchi

IMDb score: 7,6 (34.712)

Releasedate: 10 September 1998

Le Violon Rouge plot

1681. Violin maker Nicolo Bussotti puts the finishing touches on his masterpiece: a violin for his unborn son. When Bussotti's wife dies in childbirth with the child, the violin maker is inconsolable. He paints the instrument with his wife's blood so that she will live in it forever. For the next hundred years, the violin resides in a monastery in the Swiss Alps. There the instrument is given to the young orphan Kaspar Weiss. The strict violin teacher Georges Pussin takes the child prodigy under his wing and plans to let him play at the Viennese court. But just before his debut, Kaspar dies and he is buried with the red violin in his arms. A century later, Kaspar's grave desecrated, the violin falls into the hands of decadent master violinist Frederick Pope, who becomes enchanted by the instrument.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Nicolo Bussotti (Cremona)

Anna Bussotti (Cremona)

Cesca (Cremona)

Apprentice (Cremona)

Georges Poussin (Vienna)

Assistant (Cremona)

Kaspar Weiss (Vienna)

Antoinette Pussin (Vienna)

Anton von Spielmann (Vienna)

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