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The Unholy (2021)

Horror | 99 minutes
2,37 211 votes

Genre: Horror / Mystery

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Evan Spiliotopoulos

Stars: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cary Elwes and William Sadler

IMDb score: 5,1 (29.254)

Releasedate: 31 March 2021

The Unholy plot

"Be careful who you pray to."

Alice is a young, deaf girl who one day can suddenly hear again and heal sick people. People from all over the country take an interest in Alice and want to see the wonders she causes. A journalist wants to improve his unsuccessful career and decides to investigate the case. Soon he has to deal with terrifying events.

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Religion and darkness. Nothing new under the sentence, but I actually kind of liked it. That already starts with the leading role of Jeffrey Deam Morgan. Just the right person for the expired and slipped character that has to deal with supernatural phenomena. And the other main role is also nice. The actress responsible for those phenomena is called Cricket Brown. Nice actress who convincingly provides her character with a fragile and charming charisma.

The rest of the characters are unfortunately poorly developed. They are functional characters who usefully fulfill their part in the story and sometimes fall prey to the dark. Exchangeable but rewarding work.

Visually and stylistically, the film has strong moments. A dark color scheme creates an ominous atmosphere. The religiously charged approach full of symbolism creates discomfort and threat. The special effects are sometimes ok, but sometimes they wouldn't be out of place in a low budget horror movie.

The story uses elements from similar films in which church and evil collide. Unsurprising and predictable, the story passes by the eye. Still, I can always enjoy a professionally made film with a religious approach. That's called a soft spot.

Disappointing outcome by the way. Where you expect a nice dark swipe or pointe in the final scenes, that does not happen. They are pitifully melodramatic final scenes that would not be out of place in a gooey feel-good. Very unsatisfactory.

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The Unholy was the new big horror movie during the month of April. Not that horror has released the best works this year, but there were at least some nice titles in between. The Unholy is a serious downer though, and I wonder why the movie theaters decide to release something like this anyway. It doesn't add much.

The concept can actually be called boring in advance, since the film just walks the familiar demon paths again with some detective work in between. Of course we have never seen it. The Unholy is nowhere original and also knows how to get out of anything in terms of creativity. The film lacks a push in terms of thinking, and the film gets boring after only fifteen minutes.

Although it is noticeable that a reasonable budget was available during filming, the film never really convinces on the visual level. The colors are dull, the camera work safe and the story messy. Nothing is scary or exciting and the characters are just as colorless as the environments. The acting is above average, but the cast is not exactly unknown.

The Unholy works towards a finale that is more fun than the rest of the film, but not enough to save the film from a serious fail. This movie really just can't do anything. It's not exciting, not innovative and not entertaining. Simply a boring movie that sadly shows that COVID has stripped some directors of creative thinking.

For a cinema trip, a film like this is not worth it. A messy film is mixed with safe horror that mainly wants to frighten the viewer through weak frightening moments. The good acting and a nice finale are the short bright spots of the film, the rest of it is mainly boring ghosts with some demons and sounds, but nowhere presented to the viewer in a convincing way. Shame.

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great movie with some funny moments.

not a unique story, but still very worthwhile.

I enjoyed watching it.

despite the many mediocre reviews

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