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Monster on the Campus (1958)

Horror | 77 minutes
2,89 22 votes

Genre: Horror / Scifi

Duration: 77 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jack Arnold

Stars: Arthur Franz and Judson Pratt

IMDb score: 5,8 (2.165)

Releasedate: 17 December 1958


Monster on the Campus plot

"Co-ed beauty captive of man-monster! Campus terror! Students victims of terror-beast!"

A professor accidentally discovers a new species of fish. While examining the creature in the university lab, he comes into contact with the fish's blood and turns into a monster.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Donald Blake

Madeline Howard

Lt. Mike Stevens

Sylvia Lockwood

Jimmy Flanders

Nurse Molly Riordan

Prof. Gilbert Howard

Dr. Oliver Cole

Sgt. Eddie Daniels

Sgt. Powell

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