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My Bodyguard (1980)

Comedy | 96 minutes
3,29 72 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tony Bill

Stars: Chris Makepeace, Adam Baldwin and Matt Dillon

IMDb score: 7,1 (11.158)

Releasedate: 11 July 1980

My Bodyguard plot

"Terrorized in the Toilets? Chased after school? Shaken down for lunch money? GET A BODYGUARD"

Clifford Peache leads an out-of-the-ordinary life thanks to his eccentric grandmother. He is therefore not so easily drummed into a corner. At his new high school, he immediately clashes with bully Moody. He is the leader of a gang that extorts lunch money from fellow students in exchange for protection from the notorious student Ricky Linderman.

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Good film in which a new boy comes to school and is bullied by the tough boy in class. A coming-of-age film that is wonderful to watch because of the setting and the excellent young cast (although the over 80-year-old Ruth Gordon also provides a few nice moments). The characters all come across as genuine.

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It easily stands up even after a revision! It's been more than 7 years since I saw this film, but it is certainly one of the nicer and better 80s films, still just 80s at the last minute.

Adam Baldwin in particular steals the show here! Not only one of the better films from the 80s but also one of the better high school films.

I'm raising my vote from 3.5 to 4.

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Ebenezer Scrooge

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You can say a lot about America, but in making these types of drama/emo films they know exactly how to hit the right chord. I thought I could restrain myself reasonably well, but during the palmistry scene there they came again: the waterlanders.

Ruth Gordon, at the age of 84 (she came from 1896), once again portrays a nice, sweet, endearing, heart-warming grandmother with her well-known eccentric gestures and facial expressions.

Fairly unknown film (read: gem), at least in the Netherlands, which I watched with emotion. A story about bullying.

Strongly empathetic role from Adam Baldwin, who always attracts attention.

And that New York of that time, beautiful piece when Peache chases Linderman on foot through a maze of streets in an impoverished neighborhood; bulky waste on the street, shop fronts with huge advertising signs, rickety asphalt...

Looked much nicer than it does now.

By the way, I noticed that all African-Americans are in extra roles.

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