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Dressed to Kill (1980)

Horror | 105 minutes
3,44 635 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Brian De Palma

Stars: Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson and Nancy Allen

IMDb score: 7,1 (51.955)

Releasedate: 25 July 1980

Dressed to Kill plot

"The Latest Fashion In Murder."

Popular therapist Dr. Manhattan's Robert Elliot experiences the most frightening moments of his life when a psychotic killer attacks the women in his life with a razor stolen from his practice. Elliot is determined to find the killer before more victims fall. During his quest, however, he steps into a dark world and finds himself in a deadly labyrinth of obsession and deception, where innocent erotic fantasies can turn into deadly sexual nightmares.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Doctor Robert Elliott

Peter Miller

Detective Marino

Warren Lockman

Cleveland Sam

Cleaning Woman

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With this film, De Palma has borrowed a lot from Hitchcock. There are regular references to Psycho and Vertigo but De Palma has a little less style, goes a little further in his scenes and in his screenplay he is just a little less convincing.

The low point for me was that, just like in Psycho , De Palma has the murderer's motives explained again by a psychologist.

However, this does not detract from the fact that De Palma does show with this tribute to his great example that he can make a fascinating film. However, it is nowhere original, but so many worse tributes have been made that the Palma deserves compliments for a number of strong moments.

However, I would rather put the original on again.


Ps Now on display on AMC.

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My exploration of Brian De Palma's films continues. And unfortunately I was a little less fond of this. The best part is now the first half hour and the final part is also pretty the shower scene that turns out to be a dream. Also nice that you don't need dialogue for a good ending. Nothing more is said in the last 5 minutes. De Palma lets the images speak for themselves. Words were no longer necessary.

I found the story a bit less interesting this time, but in the end it is nicely put together again. What I also appreciate about De Palma is that it is not filmed so poorly when there is female beauty. Although the use of a stand-in is a bit bland. Angie Robinson should still be seen at 50 years old, although it is probably a choice of her own and you have to respect that. I really liked her piece . After that, the atmosphere fades a bit because the film partly takes a different path. The twists at the end are of high quality, it just takes a bit too long before we finally get there.

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