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La Maman et la Putain (1973)

Drama | 217 minutes
3,63 59 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 217 minuten

Alternative title: The Mother and the Whore

Country: France

Directed by: Jean Eustache

Stars: Bernadette Lafont, Jean-Pierre Léaud and Françoise Lebrun

IMDb score: 7,7 (6.850)

Releasedate: 1 May 1973


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


La Maman et la Putain plot

The story is set in Paris during the social and sexual revolutions of the 1960s, including the uprising of 1968. Alexandre is an unemployed twenty-something who lives with his girlfriend. In a bar he meets a Polish nurse with whom he starts a relationship. Although he is attractive, Alexandre is a selfish and disinterested type so that both ladies, although they seem to care little, are of no use to him.

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  • 5008 messages
  • 7140 votes

Get the Pernod ready, a few packets of Gauloises within reach....217 minutes of French film from 1973.

That makes it a lot of work and then again black and white, no soundtrack music and a lot of dialogues, but at the beginning of a week's holiday we have all the time and peace for it.

And after a somewhat ailing first 20 minutes, it's a magnificent emotional roller-coaster ride, with fantastic roles by the three main characters, great dialogue, fantastic camera work and intense intensity.

In 1960 we saw the bohemian life in "Paris Nous Apparient" and this is 13 years later...after the '68 revolution...and now the ideals have disappeared and the 70s are inexorably starting to come.... the first time we visited a modern supermarket in cinema history?

However, the relationship troubles remained in a love triangle and a little bit of rebellion (Sticky Fingers!).

There is time to play a record now and then: Zarah Leander, Marlene Dietrich, Edith Piaf and many cafes are visited.

The latest Nouvelle Vague movie? If so, then it is one of the best in this sub-genre.

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This just seemed like a movie to watch on a drizzly day like today. I have taken plenty of time for it, because to watch a film of more than 3.5 hours in which a lot is said is not an easy task. I had also been about to give up after about forty minutes, because that Alexandre I found such a terribly annoying character. How can you, as a woman, fall in love with that? Anyway, hearing Damia's beautiful chanson Un Souvenir and the appearance of the very attractive Veronika did it for me turn the tide. It all got a little more interesting. The everything should be possible ideals of the late sixties were dealt with harshly. The sixties atmosphere in which this film was immersed - a lot of drinking, smoking and of course sex - was also well represented. The ladies and especially Veronika therefore looked quite attractive, but that Alexandre - I say it again - what a bastard. I would have liked to have seen him kicked out the door by both ladies at the end. That's why I had some trouble with the open ending.
How to rate this movie now? It was all interesting, but it all took me way too long. The endless chatter started to bore me in the long run. There is no real high rating from my side for this film.


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