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George of the Jungle (1997)

Family | 92 minutes
2,43 958 votes

Genre: Family / Comedy

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: George uit de Jungle

Country: United States

Directed by: Sam Weisman

Stars: Brendan Fraser, Leslie Mann and John Cleese

IMDb score: 5,5 (85.938)

Releasedate: 15 July 1997

George of the Jungle plot

"Watch out!"

George is a baby on a plane that crashes in the jungle. He is adopted by a wise monkey. Ursula Stanhope, an American noblewoman, is rescued from death by George during a safari, and he takes her to the jungle. When they are found, Ursula takes George to the United States.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

George of the Jungle

Ursula Stanhope

Lyle van de Groot

An Ape Named 'Ape' (voice)

Beatrice Stanhope

Arthur Stanhope

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

  • 30696 messages
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Terrible comedy that leaves you looking at it with vicarious shame. No charm at all, incredibly busy and even dumber than dumb & dumberer (should that be possible). For lovers of banana peel humor, but not my thing anyway.

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Because of the monkey called monkey and the unexpected Jane Goodall joke at the end... still 2 points. Greetings....

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