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Unlawful Entry (1992)

Drama | 117 minutes
2,99 292 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States / Japan

Directed by: Jonathan Kaplan

Stars: Kurt Russell, Ray Liotta and Madeleine Stowe

IMDb score: 6,4 (20.257)

Releasedate: 26 June 1992

Unlawful Entry plot

"Desire, passion, lust... It's a deadly game of obsession."

After a break-in at their home, a couple gets help from a cop called by them. He helps them install a security system and comes by more and more often and discusses their problems. The husband begins to doubt the cop and gradually the cop goes mad.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Michael Carr

Officer Pete Davis

Officer Roy Cole

Roger Graham

Penny, Karen's Friend

Captain Russell Hayes

Neighbor Jack

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This is truly one of my favorite thrillers, one the way a thriller should be!

A normal couple with a quiet life, and a crazy crazy (which you don't expect at first) who turns it upside down little by little. The actors portray this very well and believably on both sides.

The story is well thought out, could really happen. And the events and tension follow each other so that there is never a dull moment.

A film from the good days of the better actors in top form.

5 stars

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I was very impressed with Madeleine Stowe at the time, which is also the reason why I remember this film. Or maybe it should be the part of Ray Liotta, who may be playing the part of his life as the terrifyingly deranged bad cop.

Other than that, there's really not much going on. Well, it gets pretty exciting, and considering the somewhat simple story, that's still pretty well done.

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A cop who goes crazy when he sees a certain woman. That's a realistic story. In any case, Liotta puts down a great role as creep, and he doesn't even have to act for that. There is a constant level of tension which keeps the two hour film captivating from start to finish. Shame about the predictable elements. E.g. if the crook fails: no matter how big the leak in his head, he still gets up again. And it's a shame it's such a cut off ending. Not a great movie, but good.

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