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The Mothman Prophecies (2002)

Drama | 119 minutes
3,15 1.156 votes

Genre: Drama / Mystery

Duration: 119 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mark Pellington

Stars: Richard Gere, Laura Linney and Will Patton

IMDb score: 6,4 (86.321)

Releasedate: 25 January 2002


The Mothman Prophecies plot

"What do you see?"

John Klein, a Washington journalist, quits his job when his wife dies in a traffic accident. When he finds himself in the town of Pleasant Point one evening 2 years later, he sets out to investigate reports of visions and sightings of winged creatures in the small village in West Virginia.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

John Klein

Connie Mills

Gordon Smallwood

Ed Fleischman

Alexander Leek

Denise Smallwood

Chief Josh Jarrett

Indrid Cold

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Supernatural drama about a man who loses his wife to a rare form of cancer and comes into contact with a supernatural signal. You would almost think that Pellington chooses the easy way and links the deceased woman with the strange happenings. In the end it goes in a very different and more fascinating direction. The atmosphere is mysterious and raises questions. Scary at times, but never overpowered by the dramatic impact of the whole. I had seen these in the cinema before; then I would have given the film a 4*, now I have to admit that the impression was slightly less, but it remains a good film for me.

Point Pleasant today has a Mothman statue and a Mothman festival and even Mothman pancakes. Speaking of folklore.

Mothman Pancake

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More than a fine mystery about an all-too-real disaster, the Silver Bridge collapse, and also the Mothman phenomenon itself, something that is intriguing.

A more than fine story is initially sketched around journalist John, who in the summary of the film is mentioned as having quit his job, a claim that is incorrect. On his way to a job, John comes to a place where strange things happen and the atmosphere becomes more and more curious, say sinister. Strange apparitions, weird phone calls and scary predictions come true with an imminent disaster ahead.

Especially the rather sinister played out atmosphere plus the mix of true events and fiction is very good. The appearances together with all the other weird situations such as the telephone calls are played out well accompanied by a suitable soundtrack by the duo Tomandandy. Instead of being obvious, the mystery only deepens and the atmosphere becomes uneasy.

The Mothman Prophecies is a supernatural thriller with an extremely interesting subject that we'll never know if it's true or not. For example, it was also spotted in Chernobyl and there is a photo of the WTC with a strange appearance. Nevertheless, TMP fascinates more than fine, is exciting, even uncomfortable despite Gere, who I usually experience as a mediocre actor. Linny and Patton, on the other hand, are doing well again. All in all a great film, and the question remains...is there more...?

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Peter Pan

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Very good thriller!

Very strong acting protagonists; Richard Gere (extremely suitable for this kind of role) and Laura Linney (always good and believable actually).

After a short introduction, tension and mystery from start to finish. The film immediately makes sure that you are completely in it and you can't get out until the credits.

The mystery also ensures that you have no idea which way it is going, so that you keep thinking about the course yourself and that is very nice in this genre!

It also constantly makes you think, because the story is based on the events in Point Pleasant and allegedly in multiple places.

Could there be a grain of truth in it? It doesn't really matter, because the film is partly because of that very exciting!



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