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Sir (2018)

Drama | 96 minutes
3,50 69 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: Monsieur

Country: India / France

Directed by: Rohena Gera

Stars: Tillotama Shome, Vivek Gomber and Geetanjali Kulkarni

IMDb score: 7,7 (8.758)

Releasedate: 20 September 2018


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Sir plot

"Is Love Enough?"

The young widow Ratna works as a housekeeper for Ashwin, the son of a wealthy Mumbai family. At first glance, Ashwin's life seems perfect, but it soon becomes apparent that he is not living the life he would like. The stubborn Ratna, on the other hand, is not deterred by her background and environment. She continues to hope and work hard for a better future. While their worlds converge and the attraction between the two is obvious, living on an equal footing together seems out of the question.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I'm not that Bollywood minded, but this Indian movie is an exception. Very pleasant and interesting film that may not be very special in terms of subject matter, but is more than worth seeing thanks to its execution. No sentimental stuff, no happy ending pur sang, no clichés or tacky approach.

The caste society is central, which is expressed between a rich, highly educated young man and his maid. Both grow towards each other, but feel resistance because of the system. The closet system is made clear in a subtle way. Interesting to note here is the fact that the girl accepts her fate or her position. She does not feel unfair or inferior. There is resignation and the system is never questioned. It is still understandable that his family would disapprove of the relationship, but it is also remarkable that her family would also think that the family's honor would be hurt.

As free Westerners who hold the values and norms of freedom and equality in high esteem, it is necessary to adapt how other cultures function. For example, I thought it was horrible how she was completely ignored by the guests during the fish curry. She was literally not worth a glance, as if she were air. A little later she is sitting in a corner on the floor, eating with her hands...

Sir is a film with enough nuance and sobriety to be seen as a topper. The plot and course of it is strong and the acting and cinematography are also worth seeing. Fine!

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Sober and averse to sensation, a film about love through a class society.

Ashwin is in love but Ratna keeps a cool head for she knows that, just as much as Ashwin will meet with disbelief in his environment, the people of her class will resent her and possibly ostracize her.

I remember a few documentaries about successful black artists in racist America in the sixties who, because of their dealings with the white establishment, experienced painful criticism, hatred and even threats from their former supporters.

A beautiful film this "Sir" (nice title) with a beautiful and sensitive final scene. Go for it Ratna.

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Ratna is a very believable character and is extremely well portrayed by Shome. If only I had found Oscar material.

Furthermore, a pleasant compact film, which at a supreme moment takes a somewhat unexpected and therefore refreshing turn.

In that sense, as a down-to-Earth romantic drama, it also reminded me of Dabba (2013). I would like to see this type of Indian film more often.

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