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Maria Full of Grace (2004)

Drama | 101 minutes
3,49 595 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 101 minuten

Alternative title: María Llena Eres de Gracia

Country: Colombia / United States / Ecuador

Directed by: Joshua Marston

Stars: Catalina Sandino Moreno, Guilied Lopez and Patricia Rae

IMDb score: 7,4 (36.677)

Releasedate: 18 January 2004

Maria Full of Grace plot

"Based on 10,000 true stories."

Maria is a 17-year-old girl from a small town north of Bogotá in Colombia. She has a poorly paid job. Her family counts on her extremely meager salary. One day she meets Franklin who makes her an offer. For a fee she can go to the United States. Finally seeing some of the world and escaping its existence. But for that offer she has to do something: smuggle balls of cocaine into her body.

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Good and compelling film about a girl from Bogotá who becomes a scooper. The duration of the film is fairly short for such a subject, yet everything is (quickly) covered, from how the drug swallowers are 'caught', why they do it, how they do it, and what the consequences are. I also don't understand the comments about unbelievability, this movie strikes me as quite realistic, in every way.

Great movie about a subject I've never seen in a movie before. 3.5 big stars.

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This film is about a young girl who is faced with certain choices in which the mix between courage and vulnerability is powerfully portrayed. It's a strong script that has a very realistic character without twists or turns. Characteristic of this is the compelling character of the film. The cast is also very strong and, together with a well-developed script, the life of the globules is made clear.

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Maria is exploited as cheap labour. Her job is to make roses without thorns, symbolic of her desire to find a quick, easy solution to all her problems - including a teenage pregnancy. That is why she becomes a globule swallower or mula. It is astonishing that those spheres are so big and that they have to swallow so many. The poster is reminiscent of a host in Holy Communion. Mary has a Catholic first name, wears a cross around her neck and visits a church. So she will know the sense of sin.

The first half was shot in Ecuador and Bogotá. The jagged shapes and mountains in the background give way in New York to straight lines and skyscrapers, shown from a frog's perspective to make them look even bigger. Catalina Sandino Moreno, with shiny hair and soft, dark eyes, went to work in the flower industry for two weeks to be able to play her part credibly. The nicest side character is the sympathetic fat man Don Fernando, played by Orlando Tobón. He actually seems to have a travel agency in Queens, helping Colombian migrants and repatriating deceased couriers. The music was also successful: live music with bongos in the nightclub and the song of the Mexican Julieta Venegas during the credits. It gives a picture of real problems of people on another side of the world.

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