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21 Grams (2003)

Drama | 124 minutes
3,75 3.397 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 124 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Alejandro G. Iñárritu

Stars: Sean Penn, Naomi Watts and Benicio Del Toro

IMDb score: 7,6 (249.172)

Releasedate: 6 September 2003

21 Grams plot

"How much does life weigh?"

A strange accident brings a seriously ill mathematician (Paul), a grieving mother (Christina) and a reborn ex-con (Jack) together in a story that reveals their emotionally and physically charged lives. Although they do not know each other, the trio is irrevocably entwined in a mixture of love, redemption and obsession.

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21 Grams is a film that relies on its special non-chronological storytelling style. Personally, I think this is what makes the film so strong. That makes you think for a long time about how everything fits together. Also very acting and now I just saw State of Grace with Sean Penn and I really liked that one too. This 2nd feature film by director Iñárritu is a fairly realistic drama that of course degenerates somewhat in a special way. Funny bit by Kevin Chapman too. I have little to say about it actually, the story was simple but is skilfully explained piece by piece. It's another movie that doesn't need too many words. It is a film that makes you silent.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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21 grams is a film that has been on my wish list for a long time. The film is told non-chronologically. In the beginning you have to pay attention, but later the puzzle pieces fall together quite easily. It is a strength of the film that also makes the film extra fascinating. The three main characters are intertwined with the central theme of death.

I found the character of Paul (Sean Penn) the most intriguing. What does it do to a person to go on living with someone else's heart? What does it do to a human being that you survive yourself at the expense of someone else? This psychological effect, which provokes shame and guilt rather than happiness, is mentioned fairly well in the film. The relationship between Christina and Paul may be a bit too cliché, but it doesn't detract from the quality of the film.

But the other storylines are also deepened. Christina as a junkie who has to continue as a childless widow after a traffic accident. And Jack, who as an ex-convict finds faith, loses and rediscovers it. "Jesus will save me" was his premise, and he left his family by atoning for his sin, but the Jesus forsook him or maybe there is no Savior at all...

Every character has redemption and aversion. All are guided by this dual connection. Jack who loves and rejects Jesus. Christina who is disgusted by Paul, but also dives into the suitcase with him as a part of Michael. And Paul who is attracted (out of pity?) to Christina, but uses her (and Mary). And the latter uses the situation to conceive a child.

The film is carried by the three main characters. They acted very strongly and help determine the success of the film. A topper from Inarritu. Maybe I should see Amores Perros soon after all.

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The non-chronological narrative style is refreshing and original. Watts, Penn and Del Toro play very well, especially Del Toro caught my eye. Didn't think he played too well in both Star Wars and Sicario, but here he knows how to pull you in.

The topics are pretty intense. Despite that, I didn't really like the story. Putting it in a non-chronological order doesn't change the fact that the story is rather basic. Would have expected a little more from this. He didn't touch me at all emotionally.

In short, good acting and a pretty reasonable but normal story.

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