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Magnolia (1999)

Drama | 188 minutes
3,85 3.784 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 188 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Paul Thomas Anderson

Stars: Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise and Melinda Dillon

IMDb score: 8,0 (335.999)

Releasedate: 10 December 1999

Magnolia plot

"Things fall down. People look up. And when it rains, it pours."

A random rainy day in San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles). The lives of a dying father, his young wife, a nurse, a famously prodigal son, a police officer desperate for love, a new and former child prodigy, a TV host and his cocaine-addicted daughter come together in a web of entanglements. Through the twists of fate, chance and human interaction, all paths cross, a day to remember.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Stanley Spector

Frank T.J. Mackey

Burt Ramsey / Narrator

Donnie Smith

Solomon Solomon

Linda Partridge

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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There are those films that are difficult to say anything about, especially because they affect the feeling so much, that it is individual scenes and moments that do it for him and an overall tension that makes the film even more so.
And so there are many moments such as that great fun and fascinating opening, but also often moments in combination with music. Goodbye Stranger and a swishing camera through a pub. The Habanera and 2 talking people where a kind of love secretly blossoms. Audiovisually this print may count. It all feels as one because of the wonderful editing, a never-static camera, the killer pace and a visually delightful look. A bit dark and green, with a lot of rain and the moist heat you can feel through the image.
The film comes in, both as a viewing pleasure and on an emotional level. The latter also because of the powerful, empathetic and engaging roles. I don't think Tom Cruise was ever better, but also a Reilly, Baker Hall, Moore: all great roles that stay with you. Even the frog rain pleased me the last time I saw the movie. The film is captivating for 188 minutes. An exhausting ride, but satisfying. There is only one conclusion: 5.0*.

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yes, mosaic movies.
If I compare this with, for example, Short Cuts, I am disappointed. In SC, a connection is gradually established between all the storylines and it ends with a dramatic plot. In Magnolia there were at most a few points of contact, and the whole idea ends up with a (philosophical) fizzle. That superfluous Macy and that hysterical acting Moore could have simply been left out of me, an hour shorter would have certainly benefited the whole.
The strong Amores Perros has one central connecting event for three storylines, you understand it, and you immediately get the total overview of the mosaic. Just absent here.
The also undoubtedly deep meaning of that frog rain escapes me by the way, so I don't see any added value.
Strange that there are predominantly (very) high ratings here.

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