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Los Lunes al Sol (2002)

Drama | 113 minutes
3,57 144 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 113 minuten

Alternative title: Mondays in the Sun

Country: Spain / France / Italy

Directed by: Fernando León de Aranoa

Stars: Javier Bardem, Luis Tosar and José Ángel Egido

IMDb score: 7,5 (15.722)

Releasedate: 27 September 2002


Los Lunes al Sol plot

"This film is not based on a real story. It is based on thousands."

In the northwestern Spanish coastal city, the shipyard where Santa, José, Lino, Amador and Sergei worked has been closed for some time. In the dock still lies the last unfinished ship, a rusting witness of more prosperous times. Unlike others, Santa (Javier Bardem) did not immediately deliver himself to the great void with a damn bounty, but eventually lost the battle against the bosses. The anger and disappointment sometimes surface in discussions with his fellow sufferers.

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