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Leef! (2005)

Drama | 110 minutes
3,21 340 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen

Stars: Monic Hendrickx, Peter Blok and Anne-Wil Blankers

IMDb score: 6,9 (814)

Releasedate: 29 September 2005


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Leef! plot

Live! tells the story of Anna (Monic Hendrickx), a lively woman in her early forties, who carefully picks up the pen that she had hung up on the willows 25 years earlier. As she writes her story, she must confront past events that have always held her back from living life to the fullest. She also has to free herself from the worries of today, her role in the family, the relationship with her mother, in order to become the woman she had been for a long time, but did not dare to be.

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avatar van Decec


  • 6680 messages
  • 8436 votes

A decent drama movie...

Reasonable story...

Not a very nice story...

Bad camera work, which is not a nice widescreen,

example narrow (pull) face...

HD quality is not available...

Good background sound/music (Dolby Digital)...

Decent acting...

Well-known actor Peter Blok (Line 32 and In therapy)...

Not worth it...

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avatar van Movsin


  • 8081 messages
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Jumps in time, whirling characters, now young, then old and sometimes in between make the film initially not really understandable. Afterwards there is more unity in the story and there are several handsome, well acted scenes.

The common thread is the accidents and violence, the reasons for which are difficult to understand, unless such pessimism is to be sought in the life-threatening condition in which the director found himself when the film was shot.

Certainly well-intentioned film, somewhat ambitious because of the multiple aspects that are touched on and therefore, at least in the beginning, comes across as complex.

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avatar van jippie2010


  • 2554 messages
  • 7589 votes

More than fine drama from Dutch soil.

Although a lot of junk is also delivered, the Dutch film is generally undervalued in my opinion.

Many storylines mixed together, without it being at the expense of the character deepening. It's mostly real.

I didn't need the sweet ending, all in all a decent enough. *3.5

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