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Le Dernier Métro (1980)

Drama | 131 minutes
3,25 134 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 131 minuten

Alternative title: The Last Metro

Country: France

Directed by: François Truffaut

Stars: Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu and Jean Poiret

IMDb score: 7,3 (16.321)

Releasedate: 17 September 1980

Le Dernier Métro plot

"A story of love and conflict."

Paris, September 1942. Lucas Steiner, the director of the Montmartre theater, has to flee because he is Jewish. His wife Marion takes over the management of the theater and recruits Bernard Granger to play at her side in “La disparue”. Until the evening of the general rehearsal, the company undergoes the threats and vitriolic criticism from Daxiat, a man who has the ambition to lead the Comédie-Française. And what if Lucas Steiner did not leave France out of love for his wife, but simply went into hiding?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Marion Steiner

Bernard Granger

Lucas Steiner

Jean-Loup Cottins

Arlette Guillaume

Germaine Fabre

Raymond Boursier

Nadine Marsac

Lucien Ballard, Bernard's Replacement

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