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La Gloire de Mon Père (1990)

Drama | 105 minutes
3,60 131 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative titles: My Father's Glory / De Glorie van Mijn Vader

Country: France

Directed by: Yves Robert

Stars: Philippe Caubère, Julien Ciamaca and Nathalie Roussel

IMDb score: 7,6 (7.251)

Releasedate: 29 August 1990


La Gloire de Mon Père plot

Film adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by writer/filmmaker/producer Marcel Pagnol (1895-1974). The film focuses on the childhood experiences of little Marcel: how he moves with his father and mother, brother and sister from Aubagne to Marseille and how they rent a summer house in Provence, where Marcel falls in love with the environment and with Lili.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Augustine Pagnol

Uncle Jules

Marcel Pagnol, 11 years old

Paul Pagnol, 5 years old

Lili des Bellons

Marcel Pagnol, 5 years old

Edmond des Papillons, aka Mond des Parpaillouns

François, father of Lili

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