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Kizzu Ritân (1996)

Drama | 107 minutes
3,43 136 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 107 minuten

Alternative titles: Kids Return / キッズ・リターン

Country: Japan

Directed by: Takeshi Kitano

Stars: Ken Kaneko, Masanobu Ando and Leo Morimoto

IMDb score: 7,4 (6.973)

Releasedate: 27 July 1996


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Kizzu Ritân plot

Masaru and Shinji aren't exactly the model apprentices who will do whatever it takes to succeed in Japan's performance society. When they are already at school, most of their time is spent extorting fellow students or disrupting classes. More often, however, they sit in the cafe and have conversations. When the toughest of the two, Masaru, is beaten up one day, he decides to get into boxing. Shinji meekly follows his friend and soon turns out to have the necessary talent. He can become a professional boxer and possibly even a champion. In a sparring match provoked by Masaru, Shinji KOs his friend. The ambitious Masaru decides to quit boxing and makes a fast career with the local Yakuza.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Homeroom Teacher

Boxing Club Manager

Sachiko's Mother

Local Yakuza Chief

No. 2 in Local Gang

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