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Hana-Bi (1997)

Crime | 103 minutes
3,68 668 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative titles: Fireworks / はなび

Country: Japan

Directed by: Takeshi Kitano

Stars: Takeshi Kitano, Kayoko Kishimoto and Ren Ôsugi

IMDb score: 7,7 (34.134)

Releasedate: 30 October 1997


Hana-Bi plot

"Work is All I've Ever Known."

Detective Yoshitaka Nishi's wife is terminally ill. While visiting her in the hospital, his colleague Horibe is shot and paralyzed. Bitterly, he quits his job to make one last trip through Japan with his wife. Nishi borrows the money for the trip from gangsters. To pay them back, he robs a bank in police uniform.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Hana-bi is a movie where I have some mixed feelings. Certainly not a bad film, but I had a hard time with the combination of subdued drama, the humor and the sometimes hard action that the film entailed. I found the most interesting and at the same time subdued moments between Nishi and his wife. There was hardly any talking to each other. The silences were sometimes painful, but au fond you saw a couple who loved each other.

That's why it was difficult for me to reconcile this film with the sudden outbursts of violence. And the blood is not spared here. On the other hand, it was nice to see the message of the beautiful simple things in life come to the fore in the film. It was also nice to see some painting that was nicely woven into the film.

One to remember and to revisit. Maybe then I appreciate the film that little bit more. But this one is certainly a good enough.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Nice film, but I hadn't written anything about this yet and a month later I actually have no idea what this thing was about. Just that I thought it was 3 stars. I had to look back and read that. Visually okay, but also filmed somewhat distantly with a rather chilled role by Kitano himself. Mainly I had the idea of watching a somewhat strange film that is fine, but it also didn't really interest me. 3.0*.

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