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Hei Yan Quan (2006)

Drama | 115 minutes
3,33 94 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 115 minuten

Alternative title: I Don't Want to Sleep Alone

Country: Malaysia / China / Taiwan / France / Austria

Directed by: Ming-liang Tsai

Starst: Kang-sheng Lee, Norman Atun and Shiang-chyi Chen

IMDb score: 6,9 (2.466)

Releasedate: 2 December 2006


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Hei Yan Quan plot

After being attacked and robbed one night in Kuala Lumpur, Hsaio-Kang, a homeless Chinese man, is rescued and taken away by some workers from Bangladesh. One of them, Rawang, lets Hsaio-Kang sleep next to him on an old mattress he found in the street. Later, when Chyi, a waitress at a coffee shop, meets Hsaio-Kang, she lusts after him. As Hsaio-Kang slowly gets better, he finds himself trapped between Rawang, Chyi, and Chyi's female boss. In the meantime, a heavy damp mist sweeps over the city that stinks of the perspiration of its multi-ethnic population. These men and women and the old mattress get lost in the mist, but find each other.

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