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Happy-Go-Lucky (2008)

Drama | 118 minutes
3,12 619 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 118 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Mike Leigh

Stars: Sally Hawkins, Eddie Marsan and Alexis Zegerman

IMDb score: 7,0 (41.622)

Releasedate: 18 April 2008

Happy-Go-Lucky plot

"The one movie this fall that will put a smile on your face."

Poppy is a schoolteacher in North London. Her life seems a bit complicated at times, but Poppy looks on the bright side. And so she is not only the radiant center of every situation, but also a source of happiness for all the people she meets. When her bicycle is stolen, she finds it especially unfortunate that she was unable to say goodbye. If she decides to take driving lessons, she will find her complete opposite in her driving instructor Scott. Always open to new things, she starts a flamenco course completely impulsively. Meanwhile, she has to deal with a student who seems to be abused at home. This does not in the least cause dark clouds over her head.

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Madecineman (moderator films)

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Engaging and charming film with a protagonist who I can attribute the same qualities plus cute added to it...

Don't really understand the much whining here about Poppy... But don't worry about it, girl, I think you're much nicer than that frumpy Amelie. Let them cry

Happy-Go-Lucky is not a film of grand gestures or heavy drama. No, it's a light-hearted slice-of-life, a pleasant feel good for a sultry summer evening and that's fine. I don't think every film needs to be full of minute-long whimpers and life-defining major events. No, sometimes an ordinary driving lesson offers enough material for an interesting dialogue. Especially when 2 opposites like the uber cheerful, optimistic yet slightly mischievous sunbeam Poppy is put in an extremely small space with the paranoid, introverted, primal pessimist Scott. I really enjoyed those scenes, I think there was also quite a bit of spontaneous stuff. Furthermore, the Flameco teacher is also a favorite of mine.

Although not much else happens in the film, this one still manages to put an almost constant smile on my face. Without exception, the characters are played well and the film is full of amusing dialogues.

It will never be truly exceptional or daring cinema and the music could have been a little less edgy. Leigh remains safe on the left-hand side of London's Road, but not much else to say about this excellent and light-hearted entertainment.

Nice 3.5* seems sufficient to me.

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Occasionally caricatured, yet disarmingly sympathetic with a very special Sally Hawkins. Eddie Marson as the surly car instructor and Samuel Roukin as the boy-friend are also excellent.

However, Poppy is the central figure who experiences that not everyone walks through life smiling. She does, because when her bike is stolen, she only complains about the fact that she couldn't even say goodbye.

Sally Hawkins, an actress who has proven to have a lot to offer.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I've seen a number of Sally Hawkins movies and her roles are often very similar. If not as a concerned mother hen, then rather as a cheerful, sometimes somewhat gullible person, always in a dramatic or even slightly comic context. These are roles that she always does very well. It also seems to me in real life to be a pleasant lively cheerful woman who laughs a lot and cares about others.

In this film, which seems to be just right for her, in her thirties she approaches the teenage girl level that you can expect from 16-year-old teenagers. She doesn't seem to have really outgrown it and laughs away at just about any situation. Her particular way of thinking about how she wants to be in life may be conducive to combating acidification in society, I can imagine that it also causes irritation. In this way, the clichéd polar opposite Scott is set against it. It does match the two, but after a while I'd had it with Poppy's infantile behavior. Laughing is one thing, but laughing things away all the time doesn't help your credibility either...

But I certainly understand her award for this role at various festivals. Charming and enchanting, she, Sally Hawkins, is brimming with talent to empathize with her role, but this role, despite the good acting, I found less infectious than in say X+Y, A shape of water or Paddington.

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