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Friday Night Lights (2004)

Drama | 117 minutes
3,22 306 votes

Genre: Drama / Sport

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Peter Berg

Stars: Billy Bob Thornton, Derek Luke and Garrett Hedlund

IMDb score: 7,2 (68.408)

Releasedate: 8 October 2004

Friday Night Lights plot

"Hope comes alive on Friday nights."

The story is about the 1988 football season of the Odessa (Texas) Permian High Panthers, a high school football team. The struggles and hopes of a financially ruined town whose hopes are pinned on the football team in Friday night's games are followed in the film.

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Coach Gary Gaines

Mike Winchell

Don Billingsley

Boobie Miles

Brian Chavez

Ivory Christian

Charles Billingsley

Sharon Gaines

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“What am I gonna do if I can't play football? I'm not good at nothin'!”

Many movies have been made about high school football and what it can do to a city. Especially in Texas. Friday Night Lights is certainly one of the better films on this subject due to a raw and realistic approach, beautiful music, good actors and a strong script.

How high school seniors cope with the pressures of such a small community in their senior year is admirable. Nice roles also from Thornton as a coach and a number of young actors. Too bad Britton (very strong in the TV series) gets little to do. The end is also strong with the seniors saying goodbye and handing over the baton to the new generation. Maybe a bit sentimental, but I thought it was an appropriate ending.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Mediocre movie. What made the book (a really great book, by the way) so good outside of the nice use of English is that it was comprehensive. The book was about high school football yes, but much more about its influence on a city in Texas and especially in Texas where football is considered very important. More important also in money than decent textbooks. With an entire community that enjoys the games of just 16 and 17 year olds with a coach who simply has a full-time paid job doing it. And what does that do to those young people? "I don't feel 17" says one at the end of the film, but barring a few sporadic remarks like this one about the influence of football, it is mainly a story from A to Z where 2 team members get a little more attention and especially the story progression is important. It's a flat story where the characters never come alive and you remain quite distant as a viewer. The series knew this by conveying the space it gets for it well, unfortunately the film does not. In addition, for Hollywood reasons, the ending is not truthful. Strange, because the Panthers did not win the championship that year, but already lost in the semifinals. Why not follow that? Why all of a sudden heroism in such a finale?

The atmosphere is nicely portrayed, just like the music and the camera work. The series has clearly followed in that line, although it was better there as well. A little less busy, a little more time. But the film itself looks quite reasonable at times. The matches themselves are also nicely portrayed, although you do have to know the rules because there is a lot of jargon in it so that as a viewer you do not always know how and what. 2.0*.

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The umpteenth in the list of movies about American football. This time a sports film with the necessary dramas, although that is usually the exact opposite. In this case, especially a lot of focus on the sport itself, which at times was also practiced in a particularly hard way especially clear during the final . The necessary processed drama also works, such as that one of the players can't deal with his father at all because his father doesn't like him. While in the field of drama a lot happens, you see that the team really becomes a team and then unexpectedly loses the final by a hair's breadth which I didn't see coming at all. Great movie.

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