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Eat Pray Love (2010)

Drama | 133 minutes / 140 minutes (director's cut)
2,66 779 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 133 minuten / 140 minuten (director's cut)

Country: United States

Directed by: Ryan Murphy

Stars: Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem and Richard Jenkins

IMDb score: 5,8 (109.341)

Releasedate: 12 August 2010

Eat Pray Love plot

"Let Yourself GO"

Ellzabeth Gilbert (Julia Roberts) has everything a modern woman could wish for: a husband, a home and a successful career. But instead of being happy, she is overwhelmed by panic, sadness and confusion. Newly divorced, Ellzabeth decides to take a radical step: she travels alone for a year. On her quest for balance and happiness she visits Italy, India and Indonesia. Italy is all about food and there she gets to know la dolce vita, in India she scrubs temple floors and learns the power of meditation and in Indonesia the balance between seriousness and light-heartedness – and meets her great love in Bali.

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  • 24062 messages
  • 3613 votes

I felt a threshold for this film for a long time. When my friends asked if I was going to watch this in the cinema, I kindly declined. In any case, because the story didn't appeal to me, but mainly because of Julia Roberts. I have something against her. She is not a pleasant sight to me to look at, and I find myself trying to compare her to animals more often. Whether it's that big mouth, her bambi head or her annoying voice, I don't know. I can't do much with this woman.

I don't like that floating stuff where a search is started for inner peace, self-acceptance and that too at a very slow pace.

It's boring, boring, uninteresting and the character of Roberts, with her narcissistic and ironic traits, is a downright clincher. She is self-centered and will remain so, how would you build a bond with this woman? At the same time, the clichés splash out and it seems as if no effort has been made to remove the superficiality from the film.

James Franco and Javier Bardem are pleasant appearances that somewhat save the film. You still feel a little bit of connection with these men, something you miss with Elizabeth (bitch first class).

I may be a woman, but this didn't appeal to me. Meaningless and far too long. Even the beautiful images did not appeal, because they leave a nasty, American aftertaste.

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Mickey b

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Film with a deep story. To some this feels boring but I see the message in it or as we say the moral of the story. It is about love, doubt, fears and finding love again after a love break. Film is set in three locations, Italy, India and Bali. Each in itself beautiful pictures, each with its own characters and friendships. It makes the film varied, interesting and pleasant to watch. I am a travel enthusiast myself and this film also gives me a satisfaction in this area of 'travelling' and meeting people. Has me captivated...

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In my mind, this movie was pretty well received, but I kept putting it off because of its length. Should have checked here last night. Boring long film, nice images and okay cast. But yawn.


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