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Carne Trémula (1997)

Drama | 103 minutes
3,45 300 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative title: Live Flesh

Country: Spain / France

Directed by: Pedro Almodóvar

Stars: Javier Bardem, Francesca Neri and Liberto Rabal

IMDb score: 7,3 (34.039)

Releasedate: 10 October 1997

Carne Trémula plot

"Life, love, desire... and everything in between."

After making love in a disco, twenty-year-old Victor decides to visit Elena. The visit does not go as expected: Elena feels harassed and threatens him with her father's gun. Just when police officers David and Sancho appear, the gun goes off. Victor ends up behind bars, David in a wheelchair. While Victor is serving his sentence, David becomes the star of the Paralympics and marries Elena. This comes to Victor's ears and he becomes obsessed with vengeful thoughts.

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avatar van mister blonde

mister blonde

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A typical Almodovar. So incredibly colorful that the kitschy thing about it becomes stylish again. It also works well with the soapie story, in which the 5 main characters are connected to each other to the absurd through relationships, intrigue, love and hate. Someone like Sirk, with whom the comparisons are again so obvious that you really don't want to kick in that open door, would almost be ashamed of it. Almodovar doesn't hold back and that's when he's at his best. If you have such an over the top film style and exaggerate in telling a story, it doesn't make any sense. considers it one of his better movies, although most of his movies are of a fairly consistent level. 4 star level.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I pretty much agree with Underdog. Pretty mediocre Almodovar, I've seen better movies by him. In terms of plot line very cliché script in which the five main characters are referred to each other over a period of 20 years. Everything fits together too smoothly like a constructed puzzle. The movie was too made and was too soapy.

In addition, excellent camera work such as the love scenes. It's the cinematography that takes the film to the next level. The atmosphere setting of a Madrid suburb was also well captured. There is nothing wrong with the acting either. An Almodovar with two faces. One that will soon be forgotten, I fear.

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