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Bully (2001)

Drama | 108 minutes
3,16 390 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: United States / France

Directed by: Larry Clark

Stars: Brad Renfro, Nick Stahl and Rachel Miner

IMDb score: 6,9 (41.504)

Releasedate: 15 June 2001

Bully plot

"It's 4 a.m... do you know where your kids are?"

After being constantly abused by him, Marty decides he's tired of his best friend Bobby's behavior. Together with his girlfriend, also a victim of Bobby's cruel habits, and some other volunteers, he decides to kill Bobby. While making the plans, they consider what the consequences of their action could be.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Marty Puccio

Bobby Kent

Lisa Connelly

Donny Semenex

Cousin Derek

Heather Swallers

Mr. Puccio

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Reasonable film in which a couple of teenagers decide to kill the biggest bully of their bunch. The group of naive and weed-smoking teenagers are portrayed well, but it takes too long before the actual murder takes place (after this the film also gets a lot better). Despite being based on a true story, it doesn't come across as believable at all.

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True story and that provides an interesting basic fact. Bobby is a bully who bullies, bullies and abuses his friend Marty and his girlfriends and they decide together with some allies to get rid of this bully for good by killing him.
Generating an idea is not the most difficult part, execution and finishing turn out to be more complicated.
It's a Larry Clark movie so again a lot of drugs are used as standard and there are a lot of nude scenes, although this time the cocks stay out of the picture....and for real consideration of how justified the act of the group of friends is and or that is not justified at all there would have been at least half an hour of film in it, but we have to make do with the final verdict in the lawsuit.

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Damn, what a horrible movie.

Film-wise certainly not perfect, but with a bunch of good actors and a chilling story it certainly makes an impression. Especially when you consider that it is based on a true story. Planning the murder is a bit simple and not always very interesting, but the run-up to it gave me chills. If it catches you, you're going to have a hard time.

Not a movie I want to see more often, but very convincing.


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