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Cashback (2006)

Drama | 102 minutes
3,56 1.541 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 102 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Sean Ellis

Stars: Sean Biggerstaff, Emilia Fox and Shaun Evans

IMDb score: 7,1 (92.282)

Releasedate: 9 May 2006

Cashback plot

"Sometimes love is hiding between the seconds of your life."

After art student Ben Willes (Biggerstaff) is painfully dumped by his girlfriend Suzy, he develops a form of chronic insomnia. To get through the long nights, he decides to do night work in a local supermarket. There Ben meets some special people who all have their own reasons for staying up at night.

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Sharon Pintey

Sean Higgins

Barry Brickman

Young Ben Willis

Anna Shapiro

Steve Jenkins

Frozen Beautiful Girl

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“She caught the wrong second of a two-second story.”

A special and original coming of age/romcom film. Director Ellis has a clear vision and his directing style also ensures that Cashback has a unique vibe. Lots of still images, a protagonist with insomnia and a couple who come together in an original way.

Biggerstaff and Fox form a nice duo and in any case Biggerstaff is a strong leading man. With a fascination for the female body shapes (so you get to see a lot of pretty and naked women, you won't hear me complaining). It really is a British comedy with sometimes that delightful tongue-in-cheek humour. With a feel-good ending, of course, which is certainly deserved here. Love those paintings of Fox, followed by the romantic ending with Biggerstaff and Fox in the snow.

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Before Sean Ellis set his sights on film, he was a big name in British fashion photography. With his short film Cashback he received an Oscar nomination in 2004, reason enough to make a full-length film version of it now. Ellis' background as a photographer can be seen in a series of visual tricks such as a pronounced preference for large shots, free frames and slow motion, ingenious editing transitions, and traveling in which the character moves with the camera (a trick known from Spike Lee and Darren Aronofsky). . Especially the process in which the protagonist stops time and navigates between the frozen characters, yields some nice scenes.

Unfortunately, Cashback impresses visually more than narratively. The plot begins when Ben gets the thump from his girlfriend, causing him to suffer from insomnia. To make the most of his time, he works the night shift of a supermarket, where he focuses on studying female beauty in various stages of undressing. The material, excellent for short distances, is clearly too thin for a long player; past the halfway mark, the nicely started print suffers from a serious lack of apples. Which the screenwriter-director solves with a romantic ending of thirteen in a dozen. Besides the sympathetic protagonist, recognizable in his everyday clumsiness, the other characters pale as sketchy characters. The vulnerable portrayal of Sean Biggerstaff in the lead role and the fresh, uninhibited tone save the print from mediocrity.


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Nice review.

A film that has faded a bit over the years. I still had good memories of it myself, it also reminded me of a good film, but I couldn't really recall many specific things. It is also not a film that is often mentioned.

Too bad, because when revised, it still seems to work very well. The mix of some adolescent humor and romantic musings works, especially within a coming-of-age story like this. The very clever elaboration of Ellis also contributes to this of course.

Acting is good, visually it looks nice (with some obvious outliers) and the soundtrack is also used quite well. This time I clearly had less problems with it than the first time. So there is little to criticize, a pity that Ellis has not really grown into a certainty, but that does not detract from the quality of this Cashback.

4.0* and a extended review

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