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Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)

Drama | 87 minutes
3,60 433 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 87 minuten

Alternative title: Bang, Bang, You're Dead

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Guy Ferland

Stars: Ben Foster and Jane McGregor

IMDb score: 7,7 (13.251)

Releasedate: 11 June 2003


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Bang Bang You're Dead plot

"What some kids keep inside is beyond words"

Trevor Adams is a high school student who the year before had threatened to blow up the school with a bomb. He is now back in school and the target of bullying by other students. Some do want to help Trevor, such as his teacher and a new girl, Jenny. The class is instructed to make a 10-minute videotape.

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Good film about a boy who is constantly bullied at school until he takes action. A nice first half, during the second half the film has a number of strong moments (such as the confrontation between the bullies and the victim). Here and there the message may be a bit too thick on top.

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I'm not a big fan of high school teen movies but because of the high rating and the rave reviews I decided to check it out. I have to say that it wasn't too bad for me, the story is quite nice and the youngsters are doing quite well. Too bad it is ruined in the last fifteen minutes by a preachy message. Half off for that but then I'll still come on ☆☆☆

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American TV movies don't often have high expectations with me, but this one was apparently a bit better. Now I'm never a fan of these kinds of settings with a lot of drama and boo-hoo, but Bang Bang You're Dead is quite refreshing with everything and regularly even comes out surprising.

Especially since Foster shows from an early age that he is an excellent actor. He can really play anything, and he always manages to add something special to his role. He easily surpasses his peers in this film and knows how to add something extra even during the most uncomfortable scenes. Not many actors are given this, but Foster is.

Ferland also regularly tries to take a modern path, but these attempts feel somewhat unsuccessful. Busy montages in the beginning and throughout the film, but combined with slower, more subtle images, these scenes feel a bit out of place. As if this film had to attract some extra youthful viewers. A little too forced if you ask me.

It doesn't get very gripping anywhere else, but the film looks nice and doesn't last too long. As soon as it works towards the final, it actually gets a bit exciting, but otherwise this is just a fascinating whole with a heavy background. Lots of drama and serious scenes, but Ferland makes sure they never feel too heavy.

It's a shame that it doesn't want to get really gripping or emotional anywhere, especially because the approach involves the viewer a little too little in the film. Other than that, this is a captivatingly put together film with an excellent Foster. Not the best film on this subject, but certainly not the worst either. Certainly for American purposes, this film feels quite realistic here and there. Good movie.

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