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Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

Drama | 93 minutes
3,30 769 votes

Genre: Drama / Fantasy

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Benh Zeitlin

Stars: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry and Jonshel Alexander

IMDb score: 7,2 (85.705)

Releasedate: 29 June 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild plot

"I gotta take care of mine."

Hushpuppy, an intrepid six-year-old girl, lives with her father, Wink, in "the Bathtub," a community south of the Mississippi Delta, on the edge of the world. Although Wink loves his daughter, he is preparing her with a heavy hand for the collapse of the universe; at a time when he will no longer be there to protect her. When Wink develops a mysterious illness, nature goes haywire and temperatures soar. The ice caps are melting and an army of prehistoric creatures called aurochs is unleashed. With the water rising, the aurochs coming and Wink's health declining, Hushpuppy sets out in search of her lost mother.

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avatar van Fisico

Fisico (moderator films)

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I expected more from this. Story-wise a limited and superficial film. Little depth and a story that never leads anywhere. The common thread with the warming of the climate and the rising sea level is turning the lives of the inhabitants of the Bathtub upside down, but it didn't grab me enough.

The film mainly has to rely on its beautiful atmosphere creation and set construction. The Bathtub is very realistically depicted with the dilapidated junkyards and roaming farm animals. The miserable desolate future of the inhabitants is beautifully depicted. The soul of the inhabitants of "those on the other side of the dike" is beautifully painted and is worn with pride. It was as Hushpuppy's father remarked that it was the most beautiful place on earth to live in. Despite the imminent disaster (reference also to Katrina I suspect) the inhabitants do not let it get to their heart and they meet their fatal fate while singing and swinging.

The acting is of an excellent level and that is very remarkable when you know that all the actors were pure amateurs. It enhances the authenticity and persuasiveness of the film. The beautiful soundtrack also underlines the atmosphere of the film. Despite the heavy theme (poverty, natural disaster, the girl who is half orphaned, etc...) this is not a depressing film at all. On the contrary. It's a dreamy movie seen from the point of view of little Hushpuppy (that name alone) with a fairytale backdrop of the aurochs.

So many positive points, but just a little too little in terms of content. Just enough with 3.0*.

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avatar van Mickey b

Mickey b

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Couldn't describe it better as Robi does: very gripping story about a community that lives in isolation and does not want any help from modern society. After their village disappears due to flooding, they must survive. The entire story is told by a girl and the storyline is also seen through her eyes. Separate film that you have to get used to, so hold on a bit in the beginning, but as the film progresses you get more and more involved, which makes you at the end you are completely with it and you know how to appreciate the entire film. Not a typical Hollywood film for once, just raw reality, which nevertheless managed to touch me. No well-known actors, but the performance is worth it. The fantasy element does not predominate and could even be omitted, but I suspect this is part of the children's fantasy or of the director to give the film something special. I don't know how to describe the film but the host on the TV described it as a New coming age narrative film...

Great if you're looking for something a little different.

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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This is certainly a special film, and I also thought the portrait of that community on the edge of civilization was very well struck, with people who don't have much (and have to live in even less) but who still try to make the best of it. and who above all have a lot of support from each other. Beautiful roles by father and daughter, but the busy camera was a thorn in my side (like so many here), and the added value of the title characters actually eludes me (or is the title not a literal description of the Aurochs but a figurative one of the inhabitants of The Bathtub?), both quite serious negatives. Ultimately somewhat less than meets the eye.

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