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The Godfather (1972)

Crime | 175 minutes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 175 minuten

Alternative titles: Mario Puzo's The Godfather / De Peetvader

Country: United States

Directed by: Francis Ford Coppola

Stars: Marlon Brando, Al Pacino and James Caan

IMDb score: 9,2 (2.096.111)

Releasedate: 14 March 1972

The Godfather plot

"An offer you can't refuse."

Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) is the head of a mafia family in New York. When a mobster from another family decides to start selling drugs all over New York, trouble and violence ensue. Don Vito must keep his empire in place while dealing with the return of his son, Michael (Al Pacino) who begins to ingrain himself in the family business.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Don Vito Corleone

Michael Corleone

Sonny Corleone

Connie Corleone Rizzi

Carlo Rizzi

Captain McCluskey

Jack Woltz

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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The first time I saw this movie I was left confused. What had I just seen? An extremely atmospheric film in a beautiful ocher-like color filter with a few actors who were all at their peak. Brando may steal the show or show Pacino why he's so much better hypothermic than screaming, but secretly Caan (delightfully loose) or Duvall (stiffer but just right) were even better. And really every supporting role is sublimely performed, so much so that all of them stay with you long after the film.

The locations are good, the many side plots interesting and fleshed out enough to have their function within the whole and some scenes and ideas that stand out, including that central scene with the murder by letting Pacino sit first again and so the suspense to enter. Remains about some beautiful nature images in Sicily (the only place where Pacino laughs now and then) where you just feel the summer heat and some wonderful moments when, for example, Pacino is explained how to prepare spaghetti for many people.

But the film also seems to be taking an odd rudderless course and at the end I wasn't quite sure where the film was headed next. Only later do you see that this was done consciously where slowly but subtly the attention shifts from Brando to Pacino and he becomes the Godfather (a term that for me is not connected to a person but to a function) . After the umpteenth revision still 5.0*.

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Godfather is considered an absolute milestone and has served as an inspiration for the crime genre in the following decades. A family chronicle about a mafia clan that takes place just after the second war and in which the old Vito gradually passes the torch to his son. Al Pacino plays especially great, changing from the cuddly Benjamin of the family to a merciless monster. Many key scenes hit like a bomb: the assassination attempt on old Vito, the marital quarrel between the Corleones' sister and her husband, the whole event in Sicily... because they are so well integrated, it really makes you silent. .. and then that beautiful intoxicating Italian music. I'm already salivating for the second part, which I've never seen before.

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what can I say **** basically you are silent about this film **** words do not cover the load *** but you would almost want to scream what a top film this is. they don't become that way anymore made unfortunately

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