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Pulp Fiction (1994)

Crime | 154 minutes
4,26 12.430 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 154 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Quentin Tarantino

Stars: John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson and Uma Thurman

IMDb score: 8,9 (2.304.300)

Releasedate: 10 September 1994

Pulp Fiction plot

"You won't know the facts until you've seen the fiction."

Three stories are woven together as Jules (Samuel L Jackson) and Vincent (John Travolta) must carry out the wishes of their boss Marsellus Wallace (Ving Rhames) while dealing with an unfortunate dead body. Meanwhile, boxer Butch (Bruce Willis) is on the run from the mob after throwing a prize fight, and Vincent's night goes awry after taking Wallace's wife, Mia (Uma Thurman) out for dinner.

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I think it's an overhyped movie. Other than what I already knew about it, I just didn't like it that much.

I thought it was funny that they were talking about fries with mayonnaise.

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Crazy, bizarre, insane, fucked up, fun, hilarious. Pulp Fiction in a nutshell. It is indeed fictional pulp in the best sense of the word and does not pretend to be anything else. I have a huge soft spot for Inglorious Bastards, but this is of course Tarantino's crown jewel and his best film in principle. Great fun roles for Travolta, Jackson, Willis, Thurman and a few others. Travolta in particular is playing the best part of his career. There isn't a single part of the movie that I dislike, and the 2.5 hours go by like an hour, no hyperbole intent. Those scenes with Willis and the mafia boss are just beyond words and really something only Tarantino can get away with successfully; in the hands of a lesser director such scenes collapse completely.
Also funny, those years of discussions about what's in the suitcase. Nothing at all of course, for all intents and purposes within the film itself. I think Tarantino will laugh about it too.

5*, a monument in film history and a film that you won't get tired of after watching 10 times.

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MartyMac (chief editor)

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Pulp Fiction is the GOAT.