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Out of Time (2003)

Crime | 105 minutes
3,16 1.208 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Carl Franklin

Stars: Denzel Washington, Sanaa Lathan and Eva Mendes

IMDb score: 6,5 (67.629)

Releasedate: 3 October 2003

Out of Time plot

"The Clock Is Ticking..."

Matt Lee Whitlock (Washington) is a police commissioner in Banyan Key, Florida. He is there investigating a double murder, and the suspicions turn on him. He must do everything he can to stay ahead of his colleagues in the investigation, and thus bring the truth to light.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Matthias " Lee " Whitlock

Alex Diaz Whitlock

Ann Merai Harrison

Chris Harrison

Deputy Baste

Tony Dalton


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Great movie: crime and thriller worthy. I'm not really a Denzel fan per se, but it helps that I know what I'm getting myself into. I saw this film when it was released and now for the second time. I still like this one just as much. As for the plot, I like the twists and turns, especially the battle around the fax machine. The momentum is maintained throughout the film. In many films, the closing scene is disappointing. So also in this film: if I had to choose between Mendez or 1 million dollars, I would know..... stop working!

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Peter Pan

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Hard to describe genre for this movie, but definitely a fun movie!

Crime is the closest, but "real" tension is not in it, so certainly not a crime thriller. Some light action and some humor due to the role of John Billingsley.

The interplay of Washington and Billingsley reminded me a bit of "Lethal Weapon", but then the light version.

The story is well thought out and enjoyable to follow, with the protagonist getting into a situation and each time he tries to solve it it just goes from bad to worse.

Normally those are some lame films, where you think: "no, not that too", but in this film it was definitely not that bad.

The acting of the cast was not very special, but adequate. From Denzel Washington it was (obviously) perfectly fine and there were still some nice plot twists in it.

Not a "on the edge of your seat" movie, but still nice to watch!



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Out of Time is an entertaining film but not very high quality. Somewhere when you see the name Denzel you expect more from a film. In that sense it was a bit disappointing.

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