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A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Crime | 136 minutes
3,92 4.686 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 136 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

Stars: Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee and Adrienne Corri

IMDb score: 8,2 (902.052)

Releasedate: 19 December 1971

A Clockwork Orange plot

"Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven."

Britain, the future: A group of teenagers led by Alex DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell) set out every night to leave a trail of destruction, beating and rape. When not destroying the lives of others, Alex swoons to the music of Beethoven, but when arrested, he agrees to undergo special therapy. When he is finally released, he hates violence, but then the problems pile up.

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“I was cured, all right!”

This is my fourth Kubrick movie. Where I find Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining really brilliant films, I am less enthusiastic about A Clockwork Orange. After I finished watching the film, I was actually staring straight ahead with an empty and displaced feeling. I could name enough strong points, but the movie itself didn't do much for me. Of course, the sets (by John Barry!) were beautiful and the music was amazing. The acting is also decent and I can appreciate Kubrick's strange sense of humor.

The story is interesting too, but I couldn't get into the movie properly. It seems that Kubrick deliberately keeps the viewer at a distance by creating such hideous characters that you have no sympathy whatsoever. When I watch a movie I like to be emotionally involved with at least one character or the story. Alex is such a horrible character that I didn't feel sorry for him when he was experimented. It was gruesome for sure, but the man had just raped a woman. Karma is a bitch. A person must be free to do what he or she does (however horrific these activities may be) but if you choose a certain path you also have to bear the consequences. Alex becomes the victim of the perpetrator, but Kubrick has made such a horrible person out of him in the first part that the victim part doesn't really come into its own. But A Clockwork Orange is an audiovisually overwhelming film and I'm glad I saw it.

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Stanley Kubrick. It remains a masterful director.

But most of the credit goes to the author of A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess. Man, how do you make up a story like that? In fact, quite clever that he could write such a book after his heavily pregnant wife was assaulted by four deserted American soldiers, after which the child died.

Malcolm McDowell literally took everything out of his role in the film. My mouth just dropped open. The storyline is brilliant. Kubrick is a phenomenon when it comes to drawing viewers into a compelling narrative. Barry Lyndon (1975) is an excellent example.

I still don't know exactly what A Clockwork Orange did to me. I am completely amazed by the movie.

A fucking absolute masterpiece.

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El ralpho

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Is goodness something that can be chosen?

This is one of those titles of classics that has been on my list for years but that I have been putting off for an eternity to check out. So when I saw A Clockwork Orange on HBO Max, I decided to take my chance.

And luckily that didn't disappoint. I was concerned that everything would have become much too outdated, but the timeless theme keeps it up surprisingly well. In addition, this film was even far ahead of its time on some fronts and certain shots still look quite modern today. Of course the income is but after half an hour I was used to watching a 50-year-old production. What I had to get used to before was the overacting and the use of language, which together created a theatrical atmosphere that was very uncomfortable for me at first. In addition, there were also sometimes almost slapstick-like elements. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Also, not all dialogues always grabbed me.

Despite the fairly high entry level for me, I soon noticed that I was looking at something special. The film has an almost magnetizing appeal and the vague, uncategorized atmosphere is precisely what makes me want to keep watching. I don't think you can fully understand this film in one viewing. It could therefore just be that my final rating could rise even further in the event of a possible revision. What I have drawn for now is that you can choose to a certain extent what kind of person you want to be. The nature of the beast can be influenced or manipulated, but with some people you can't change who someone is deep inside. The psychopath remains a psychopath.


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