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Young Adult (2011)

Comedy | 94 minutes
2,88 732 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jason Reitman

Stars: Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt and Patrick Wilson

IMDb score: 6,3 (89.008)

Releasedate: 11 November 2011

Young Adult plot

"Everyone gets old. Not everyone grows up."

Not long after her divorce, Mavis Gary (Charlize Theron), a fiction writer, returns to her small town home in Minnesota. She wants to relive the heyday of yesteryear and plans to rekindle the relationship with her former boyfriend (Patrick Wilson). However, the latter is now married and has children. Homecoming doesn't go as planned, so Mavis forms an unusual bond with another ex-classmate (Patton Oswalt) who hasn't quite left high school either.

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Matt Freehauf

Sandra Freehauf

Mary Ellen Trantowski

Nipple Confusion Bassist

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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This is one of those movies that you could have said is totally carried away by Charlize Theron's great central role – if it weren't for such a strong story with so many little jokes ("Hi mom") and so many colorful characters (like the desk clerk at Theron's hotel, but also her cousin de positivo). And otherwise it would be one of those films that is lifted to a higher level by the beautiful supporting role of Patton Oswalt as Matt Freehauf. Film-wise maybe nothing new, nothing surprising and nothing we haven't seen before (although the open and by no means happy end is refreshing), but all poignant, all moving, all funny, and sometimes all at the same time (like Theron's monologue on the lawn with the wine—or is it grenadine?—over her silk blouse—for that alone she would have deserved a third Oscar nomination in my opinion). That Jason Reitman is quite a gentleman.

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Surprisingly strong comedic drama. Problematic homecoming queen with unprocessed trauma thinks she can rewrite her life story in cheap romantic-youth-book style, but eventually has to cut short her sentimental journey, sadder, but emphatic not wiser.

And with the latter, this film lifts itself even further above average than it already did with some witty scenes, good acting across the board, and above all an excellent Charlize Theron, who balances her character nicely on the edge of the caricatural and the pitiful.

You can call Mavis Gary unsympathetic, but I also find her very comical, how she confidently continues to believe in her delusion, despite all the warning signs that high school is really over.

Theron keeps the viewer (at least this one) constantly hoping that Mavis – certainly with the 'help' of Matt – will at some point the scales fall from the eyes, but no. The already curved toes of said viewer definitely drilled through the soles of his slippers during the showdown at the baby shower.

Even by American standards, those scenes are considerably over the top, itchy with vicarious shame. And the nice thing is that it doesn't turn out to be an obligatory catharsis followed by a happy ending, but that Mavis sees a chance to just keep grinding on her girl's book prose, thanks to the help of her one remaining admirer.

A creative triumph of the writer, I would say. And from the screenwriter. But you could also call it a superior sneer after all the whiny coming-of-age youth films with which Hollywood is flooding the market.

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Mopping with the tap open.

And from that tap comes a continuous stream of self-pity. Genre designation may be comedy/drama, but with characters like this it's hard to give the comedy content any weight. Found the film regularly very dragging and the drama content too predominant.

Theron's character is also fairly one-dimensional (and since there's some doubt about this, the title doesn't refer directly to her but to her profession - a 37-year-old isn't exactly a young adult anymore). A lot of whining, sulking, pitiful looks and some selfish babble. And as an opponent ... an exact copy. More sad faces.

Occasionally a successful joke, but often quite easy. Rarely sharp or exciting, the low-hanging fruit joke could easily refer to the film itself. And so it all hobbles a bit listlessly. Actors are still doing well, but their characters are insufferable and the humor is lame.

Not going in the right direction with Reitman.


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