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Unbreakable (2000)

Mystery | 106 minutes
3,36 3.373 votes

Genre: Mystery / Thriller

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan

Stars: Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson and Robin Wright

IMDb score: 7,3 (453.891)

Releasedate: 22 November 2000

Unbreakable plot

"Some things are only revealed by accident."

David Dunn gets involved in a major train accident. None of the occupants survive the accident, except David who does not have a scratch. After the accident, he comes into contact with Elijah Price, a comics collector who has been plagued his entire life with ill health and rapidly breaking bones.

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In 2000, M. Night Shyamalan, the man whose oeuvre can best be summarized under the heading 'WTF', broke with existing film conventions. Unbreakable is a superhero movie that refuses to be a superhero movie. This is dialectics in a nutshell: every idea has a counterpart. When both extremes come together, progression is possible.

I found Split more intriguing than Unbreakable, especially because that first film was more intense and also wonderfully derailed in the last half hour (where Unbreakable is for the twist just fades a bit). Nevertheless, in my humble opinion, Shyamalan's work has more to it than many people claim. Apart from the philosophical story arc, James Newton Howard's dramatic score carries emotional weight, while the dark cinematography gives key scenes a good dose of atmosphere. Bruce Willis does an excellent job in this film, as does his enigmatic counterpart.

The script is far from perfect, the pacing could have been better, but I did enjoy it immensely.

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With all the comic book adaptations and superhero films of the past few years, you would expect that people would come up with alternative films like this right now. But M. Night Shyamalan came up with a special superhero movie before all that madness. I don't want to portray the man too much as a genius - he does that enough himself, I have the idea - but it is interesting that with Unbreakable he makes a film that still feels fresh today. Not a superhero film or comic book adaptation as we have seen a lot before. Not a fast action film, but a slow character study of someone who slowly discovers his powers.

Because slow, that's Unbreakable. The film is packed with extremely long shots of characters who speak their words with many pauses and stare a lot in between. At certain moments you feel that the film could use a little more pepper in the ass, but it also produces excellent sequences. Actually, all the moments when Willis discovers his superpowers and eventually does something with them are interesting and well executed. The dialogues are sometimes a bit too much of the 'look at me wanting to be profound' caliber. Shyamalan is clearly the best when he keeps to himself as much as possible and luckily he succeeds quite nicely in Unbreakable. More than in most of the films he made after that.

4 stars.

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Well, everything has already been said about this film so I'll make it short. To me Shyamalan's best. An analysis of the superhero... Willis plays a somewhat introverted, emotionally weaker man, but who is physically indestructible... The other is his opposite and is physically as brittle as glass, but that has led him inwardly and emotionally on other paths. At the end I found a very nice contrast where everything comes together nicely. Unbreakable is a film that also tastes good when revised.

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