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Prime (2005)

Comedy | 105 minutes
3,11 675 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ben Younger

Stars: Uma Thurman, Meryl Streep and Bryan Greenberg

IMDb score: 6,2 (42.536)

Releasedate: 21 September 2005


Prime plot

"A Therapeutic New Comedy"

Rafi (Uma Thurman) is a 37-year-old career woman from Manhattan. Her marriage has just come to an end and as it should be, she is going to psychotherapist Lisa (Meryl Streep) for that and for some other 'issues'. Unexpectedly, Rafi falls in love with the talented 23-year-old painter Dave (Bryan Greenberg). What the couple in love does not know, however, is that Rafi's therapist is Dave's mother. This love affair is looked at from different points of view by friends, family and especially Lisa.

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Quite a nice story actually in the core, and the somewhat idiotic fact of the mother/psychiatrist glued to it. That also comes across nicely in the interpretation - well played by Greenberg and Thurman, and absurdly overacted by Streep, so that the whole occasionally goes too far over the border of slapstick. Director's mistake, I think.

And besides that, I was wondering if this element of the story could not have been left out and whether a more serious approach could not have been more interesting. There's still enough comedy potential in it to keep it fun and light-hearted I think. What also annoyed me a bit is that the film plays a bit too safe. Not more than a very small winding, but everything stays neatly close to the middle of the road.

What still makes it a nice film is the nice couple. Thurman also radiates off the screen, which also helps.

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Quite a funny rom-com about exposing magnified, stereotypical prejudices. Unfortunately, the filmmakers put a miserable end to that. That completely kills the rest of the film, in my opinion at least. Too bad, because Thurman, Streep and Greenberg are doing quite well. In any case, I had a good time until… the half * deduction. Sin.

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“I'm 23.”

“No, you're not. I don't believe you. Let me see the license... Oh, my God! You're a child. Cab! I have t-shirts older than you.”

Decent rom-com. Streep and Thurman do well, and Greenberg has a sympathetic appearance and holds his own between these two acting greats. The course of the Prime is fairly predictable, but it still feels fresh and original. Of course it is very coincidental that a man is just dating a woman who is in therapy with his mother, but you have to go along with that a bit. The farcical approach is also part of these kinds of films and can also be a strong point.

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The film's manifesto is that love is not everything. 37-year-old Rafi and 23-year-old David fall in love with each other, and this age difference forms the main basis of the film in the comedy genre. The movie wants to be a romantic comedy, but it's more "farcical comedy "with streaks a "slapstick comedy". The strength of the film is the co-starring of Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep. Undoubtedly, this movie cannot be seen without the presence of Uma Thurman and her good acting. This movie can be a bit attractive for the American audience, but it has an expiration date and is a movie that will be forgotten very soon.