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Doubt (2008)

Drama | 104 minutes
3,49 1.288 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: John Patrick Shanley

Stars: Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Amy Adams

IMDb score: 7,5 (137.089)

Releasedate: 27 February 2008

Doubt plot

"There is no evidence. There are no witnesses. But for one, there is no doubt."

1964, a Roman Catholic school in the Bronx. Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep) finds herself in a tricky situation. There are reasons to suspect Father Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) of lewd behavior. Should she confront the priest, who is her superior, with these suspicions?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Sister Aloysius Beauvier

Father Brendan Flynn

Sister James

Mrs. Miller

Sister Veronica

Sister Raymond

Christine Hurley

Warren Hurley

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Roger Thornhill

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I myself had a bit of trouble with the fact that the film suddenly (too suddenly) ended: "Did I miss something? Was this it already?" Not that I was waiting for a definitive confirmation or denial of Hoffman's guilt (because with a title like Doubt I wasn't really counting on that), but a slightly more gradual conclusion to the storylines of the various characters would have been welcome.

Apart from that, a movie like this almost makes me hate Meryl Streep. She's so good here that I can hardly imagine that she is nice and endearing in everyday life (and all the interviews I've ever read with her show that). Boy, can she play -- without automatically being my favorite actress, she stands head and shoulders above all her contemporaries (also in terms of diversity). (After her brilliant role in The Devil wears Prada, I also struggled with her for a while.)

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Oh, mediocre. Nothing wrong with that, but nothing special. The actors, especially Streep and Hoffman, are a big plus in this film. A big minus are the eternally boring dialogues that nullify the somewhat built-up tension. Too bad, more could have been done here.

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“I have doubts. I have such doubts.”

Incredibly strong. Doubt shows what you can achieve with a strong script, four phenomenal actors (and don't forget the child actors) and a beautiful cinematography by Roger Deakins. Especially the game between Streep and Hoffman is unparalleled. Their last scene together will have to be studied at any actor's college.

But Adams and Davis also show their best side. The battle between the conservative Sister Aloysius (Streep) and the progressive Father Brendan (Hoffman) within a church community is central. Initially because of the fact that Brendan would have done 'something' with a boy, but in the end also because of the direction the church should take. Doesn't sound very exciting, but Doubt proves otherwise. With doubt that can rear its head around every corner.

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