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Le Roman d'un Tricheur (1936)

Comedy | 85 minutes
3,45 33 votes

Genre: Comedy / Crime

Duration: 85 minuten

Alternative titles: The Cheat / The Story of a Cheat

Country: France

Directed by: Sacha Guitry

Stars: Sacha Guitry, Marguerite Moreno and Jacqueline Delubac

IMDb score: 7,5 (2.624)

Releasedate: 2 October 1936


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Roman d'un Tricheur plot

The life story of a charming con man. As a little boy, he is punished by his parents for stealing. He is not allowed to eat with them, but the mushrooms in question turn out to be poisoned, so that only he survives. Crime therefore pays and while he is growing up he learns all kinds of criminal tricks and experiences criminal adventures. He also meets two women he falls for: a beautiful blond thief and a beautiful dark gambler.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Le tricheur


Madame Moriot

La voleuse professionnelle

La rouquine, chanteuse du beuglant

La comtesse Beauchamp (jeune)

Le tricheur (petit garçon)

Le tricheur (jeune homme)

Serge Abramitch

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