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À Nous la Liberté (1931)

Comedy | 104 minutes
3,44 53 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: France

Directed by: René Clair

Stars: Raymond Cordy, Henri Marchand and Rolla France

IMDb score: 7,4 (5.078)

Releasedate: 18 December 1931


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


À Nous la Liberté plot

Emile and Louis become friends in prison and plan an escape. This escape is only half a success, because only Emile gets away. When Louis is released years later, Emile turns out to be a successful businessman. He offers Louis a job in his factory and helps him in love. Problems arise when more of their ex-convicts show up at the door. They blackmail Louis by demanding money, otherwise they will reveal his identity to the police.

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Paul Imaque, l'oncle

Le vieux monsieur sourd

Le vieil orateur

Le contremaitre

Une invitée au diner

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